Looking for fitness friends! (Lost 100 lbs, aspiring Les Mills fitness instructor)

brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
edited April 2016 in Motivation and Support
Looking for more friends with common interests in fitness or lifestyle!

-90 lbs down, and maintained for 6 years. (Was -100 lbs at lowest weight).
-Love Les Mills BODYCOMBAT© , lifting, running
-Aspiring fitness instructor
-First time mom of 1 year old
-40/30/30 Macros (Carbs, fat, protein)
-Gave up vegetarianism, so friends with new high protein meal ideas!
-35 lbs left to lose



  • famysh88
    famysh88 Posts: 8 Member
    OMG!! i was just about putting up a post about my new obsession with LES MILLS body pump. I'm down 27lbs with 50lbs to go and I just started body pump three weeks ago. I'm soooo hooked!! My strength has increased tremendously and I love how I push myself in every class. I'm already thinking about becoming an instructor when I get more fit.
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    edited April 2016
    That's awesome! Congrats on the loss!

    Yeah, I've done BodyPump as well, and I think it's a great workout! My passion is definitely BodyCombat though. I TRIED to get equally hooked on Pump, but just don't get the same feeling from any of my other workouts. I do like Pump though!

    I actually just passed my audition to go for instructor training! :D The other trainee going with me already teaches BodyPump as well! Does your gym off Combat as well? I think everyone should try it at least once. It took me AGES to get the confidence to even try a class, until the instructor went out of her way to invite me in. I was like you... instantly hooked! That was 3 years ago! haha

  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I <3 bodypump. Been doing it 2-3 times a week and I am hooked. Just started Bodyflow on Sundays. I think it is going to be a nice was to end my week and start the new week fresh and stretched out!