Looking for supporters and motivators.

Ktomeski Posts: 12 Member
edited April 2016 in Motivation and Support
I'm 25 yrs old and my goal is to loose around 60lbs. I have my times when i'm strong at login everything and when i miss a day it stems into a long period of time without it.
I also recently got a gym membership and was totally motivated to go, when i got it and now I've lost it. It's extremely hard to keep myself motivated on these things.
Any and All positive support will be great.
Thanks in advance.

Friend requests welcome


  • healthy2point0
    healthy2point0 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Kate,
    I too am 25 and would like to lose about the same amount of weight. I have found myself letting go over the last couple of years, mainly due to general unhappiness in my life and a lack of caring. I have gained about 20kgs over the past 3 years, very gradually. Now I am 103kgs and really unhappy.
    I had a moment last night where I bought myself some real crap on the way home and then, sitting in my room, realised that I'm just poisoning myself and making everything worse and I have go to stop.
    So, here I am. I am looking for some help getting through this thing myself. I would love if we could support each other. I am hoping to log every day and have set myself some really simple and realistic goals.
    I am going to drink 2 litres of water every day and do C25K or Body Balance on alternating days.
    Hope to hear from you soon!!
  • Ktomeski
    Ktomeski Posts: 12 Member
    We can do this, I'm good at supporting others. Giving advice on things too.