Looking for a buddy

I was wondering if anyone would like to be my weightloss buddy? We can exchange cell phone numbers and text each other everyday to keep each other on track. And become friends along the way. I live in Ontario Canada and my goal is to lose close to 60 lbs. I am going to be using my fitness pal to help me also.


  • ewfgray
    ewfgray Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I live in Delaware, USA, and I also need to lose about 60 pounds. I have been on My Fitness Pal before, but always faded away from it after a while. I really want it to stick this time -- the extra weight is slowing me down, and it is bad for my health. Life has been very stressful for me recently, and I am an emotional eater. Not good. It would be great do have someone I could text when I am about ready to rip open a bag of chips or eat a cookie.
  • brooketerry375
    brooketerry375 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm Kiley chapman and having problems too. You guys can email me kchapman@outlook.com
  • brooketerry375
    brooketerry375 Posts: 20 Member
    I really should change that username
  • brooketerry375
    brooketerry375 Posts: 20 Member
  • ewfgray
    ewfgray Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks, Kiley! I'm Betsy Gray: ewfgray@me.com