Open Diary Buddies

Back at it again! One of these days I'll figure out a way to sustain a healthy lifestyle-long term. Maybe this time!

Lost nearly 50 lbs about 3 years ago. Gained it back and some change. I always do best when I track my food, so here we go again.

Looking for MFP buddies, but especially buddies with open diaries. I love seeing what other people do to succeed. And I enjoy a little culinary inspiration from what others eat. I enjoy cooking and will be glad to share what recipes I try. Big fan of Pinterest for meal planning inspiration.

I try to approach this with moderation, and I'm very honest on my diary. So be prepared to see pizza and booze from time to time. Life's too short not to have a gin and tonic on the weekends.

I'm grateful for all MFP friends, and again, especially if you don't mind sharing your diary, hit me up! I'm not judgemental about what you put in your mouth. Your body is its own judge!


  • Richard_DeLancey
    Richard_DeLancey Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome back... I too lost 30 and then gained nearly 50 back. Been on the program this time about 4 months. Dropped 30 again. Mixing in working out to crunching calories seems to be working. Stay focused on your end goal and I'm sure you can get back to where you want to be.
  • peggymenard
    peggymenard Posts: 246 Member
    Add me to your buddy list.
  • lupita_waggs
    lupita_waggs Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. 2 years ago I lost 50 pound and have since gained back 30. Back to logging for me too. My diary is open. Add me.