Knee Pain-Tendonitis/Joint

Just wondering if anyone else has had any success with controlling tendonitis/joint pain with diet or other methods. I do Tae Kwon Do 3-4 nights a week and have had to start skipping classes because my knees hurt so bad. I couldn't even sleep the other night because my knee kept throbbing. I've been to the doctor, I'm not ignoring the issue, and I know what's wrong, doc hasn't said I need to quit, just take it easy when it hurts. I KNOW I'm super low on protein and I'm tracking my intake again, as it seems like if I don't, I just stop eating anything high protein, so that should be somewhat remedied. I also make sure I warm up well before class. I had read something about stretching post class being a help, but I have to run straight home afterwards and get my kids all in bed, so by the time I could stretch, I think I'm too cooled down again. Any other suggestions??


  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Physical therapy and exercises to correct muscle imbalances worked for me.
  • celpkm
    celpkm Posts: 4 Member
    PT was suggested but I really can't figure out how to fit it into my schedule at the moment. If I get the job I'm trying to I should be able to though. I have five kids and I'm a single mom, so finding time for anything isn't fun. Lol.

    I can check around online for specific exercises for my knees though.
  • darcy2102
    darcy2102 Posts: 27 Member
    I have had success with Jamieson's Body Guard Joint and Bone Health vitamins. I have knee pain, sometimes wakes me up, sometimes super swollen. It seems to be really helping. That and upping my protein (I was super low on that). Good Luck
  • rickyll
    rickyll Posts: 188 Member
    yeah as some have posted above: work on your stabilizing muscles and take it slow. It took me 6 months of patient, light lifting to finally get back to painless heavy lifting. See a physio and go from there! Also, there's tone of good videos on youtube for good stretches and rolling techniques.
  • celpkm
    celpkm Posts: 4 Member
    I'll do that. I've been in TKD for over a year now and it's just recently that the pain has intensified this much. I was also lifting, but I quit that as well due to the pain (as well as a pulled muscle in my shoulder and my finger being badly sprained). Hopefully some of this will help until I figure out a way to get into PT.
  • rickyll
    rickyll Posts: 188 Member
    celpkm wrote: »
    I'll do that. I've been in TKD for over a year now and it's just recently that the pain has intensified this much. I was also lifting, but I quit that as well due to the pain (as well as a pulled muscle in my shoulder and my finger being badly sprained). Hopefully some of this will help until I figure out a way to get into PT.

    I think you'll eventually find the right solution for you...just keep curious and driven! Also, good luck with your 5 kids!
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    I have had arthritis in my right knee (the one I habitually knelt on doing a part time job for 8 years) and both sacro joints for the past 5 years or so. In February I began eating Paleo - no grain, no legumes, no dairy (ONE cheat: 3 Tbsp half & half in morning coffee). My knee is incredibly improved; I can actually squat, and it only cracks a little. It used to sound like a gunshot!

    In addition, I started buying whole fresh turmeric root and grating about a tablespoon on a salad or other dish every day. I can't imagine that this isn't also helping.

    The part-time job was in the bodycare and supplement department at Whole Foods, so in the last 5 years I have tried numerous natural remedies as well. The one that I found most effective was Zyflamend by New Chapter. Great stuff, but fairly expensive.™

    My lower back is still a little bit of an issue, in that I have to be mindful of how I move or it reminds me I'm 58, but I no longer lay in bed trying to fall asleep with my back hurting and my knee throbbing, and I'm no longer dependent on ibuprofen to keep me going (OK...ONCE in a while!)

    Hope this helps...good luck. Stay away from drugs unless you absolutely need them.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I have joint and tendinitis pain/inflammation 24/7 because a joint disease.

    I found KT tape helps a lot along with more sets but lower reps.
  • lemmie177
    lemmie177 Posts: 479 Member
    I found my chronic inflammation and tendinitis to be very linked to my diet. Of course, too much exacerbating activity will set it off as well. For me, its processed meats (cold cuts, salami, sausage, etc) and excessive amounts of wheat. Those are only what I've pinned down. Every so often I'll eat something pretty processed (read: came out of a box) and have a flare up, but have no idea what the exact culprit is. When I stick to fruits, veggies, and unprocessed meats, I'm much more pain-free.
  • yshejm
    yshejm Posts: 1 Member
    I've had issues with one of my knees and nothing seemed to help. I was finally prescribed Meloxicam and it works great.