New Mom & Baby Weight

laynyfit Posts: 3 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I'm Alayna, call me Layny :) I'm a 27 year old first time mom to a beautiful 6 week old boy. Before getting pregnant, I weighed 146 lbs. I was super athletic, lifting weights and doing yoga daily. During the pregnancy, I was sick then got a minor injury in a car accident thanks to a drunk driver. All this made it so I couldn't do more than go for short walks for the past 6+ months. The day I gave birth, I weighed in at 190 lbs. After birth and breastfeeding, I'm now down to 172 lbs. Now that I'm 6 weeks post partum, I can get back to working out! My goals are to reach 150 lbs by July, start working out daily for a minimum total of 30 min, and set up a clean diet about 70/30. I know that it's going to be a challenge, especially with a newborn taking up most of my time, but I'm lucky I'm now a stay at home mom. Hopefully that will help me more easily create a routine for keeping on track.

Any other moms out there with some advice on getting that before baby body back?


  • Tempest07
    Tempest07 Posts: 256 Member
    Congrats Layny on your baby boy. Glad to see you determined to get back into your old routine. Welcome to the community. There are plenty of friendly and helpful faces. :)

  • laynyfit
    laynyfit Posts: 3 Member
    Tempest07 wrote: »
    Congrats Layny on your baby boy. Glad to see you determined to get back into your old routine. Welcome to the community. There are plenty of friendly and helpful faces. :)


    Thanks a ton Brian!!
  • jalenedyck
    jalenedyck Posts: 17 Member
    Hey there. I'm a little further along with a 8 month old but have the same weights as you, funny enough. 190lbs and now at 172. Wanting to get back to 145lbs asap. Starting calorie counting and working out. Just wanted to say hey and good luck!