Protien shakes and gaining weight????WTH!!!!



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    ninabaz wrote: »
    So by the sounds of it I'm screwed and fat and nasty for life.

    Nope. Just have to stay in a calorie deficit like everyone else. You can do it with shakes, if you like. Though it might not be the best route as far as learning how to maintain your weight loss. Regardless, it's the same. Weight loss is about CICO
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    ninabaz wrote: »
    So by the sounds of it I'm screwed and fat and nasty for life.

    Well that's certainly a choice - not a very appealing choice though.
    Many people here that are trying to help you have been fat and found ways to fix that.
    Don't reject well meaning advice out of hand, take the emotion out of it and you may see something in one of the many replies that switches on a lightbulb for you.
    A very common theme is eating the appropriate amount of calories though......

    Losing weight is tough but being fat is also tough - that's a choice too.
  • drwilseyjr
    drwilseyjr Posts: 225 Member
    ninabaz wrote: »
    So by the sounds of it I'm screwed and fat and nasty for life.

    With that attitude, you're not going to accomplish anything.

    You have to be honest with yourself and your expectations. You're not going to find a magical solution. And it's not going to come easy. It takes work, discipline, and dedication. If you really want it, change your attitude and realize those facts.

    If not, then no. You're not going to make any progress if you're waiting for any of us to tell you about a magical diet and you ignore the questions asking. People are here to help. Not work miracles.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    edited April 2016
    OP, read these threads because I don't think you've been able to fully grasp the concept of CICO, judging by your posts (I am assuming here):

    1. You need to figure out your TDEE and eat at a calorie deficit of approx. 15-20% (or whatever suits you depending on how much weight you have to lose).
    2. Accurately weigh, measure and log every little thing you put in your mouth by choosing the correct entries from the database (or creating your own).
    3. Log consistently. Sometimes weight loss doesn't begin to show until a few weeks.
    4. Eat back 25-50% of the calories you burn through exercise (cardio, HIIT etc.)
    5. Apart from using the scale, take body measurements to track your success.

    A 250 calorie deficit per day would mean you'll lose at a rate of 0.5 lbs/week, a 500 calorie deficit per day would imply a loss of 1 lb/week etc. Also, remember that your weight loss most likey won't be linear, and weight can fluctuate a lot due to water retention, glycogen stores etc. You may retain water due to sodium, DOMS, hormones etc. Try to eat nutrient-dense foods while also leaving room for treats. Don't demonize/eliminate entire food groups (unless you have a medical issue and are hence advised by a doctor to do so).
  • ladixson1
    ladixson1 Posts: 7 Member
    Many may scoff, but I'd suggest throwing a few bucks at the 21 Day Fix. Read every word of the nutrition book about 5 times and use the containers as a portion control guide. If you eat the approved foods listed and log ALL of the food you put in your mouth, I can only imagine that you would see results and since you'll be eating 5 cups of fresh fruits and veggies everyday and plenty of fiber, I doubt you'll be constipated. Of course, this program is designed for bypassing nearly all pre-packaged food, so get ready to cook a little :) No, I'm not a Beachbody coach or trying to sell their products, I just know that it works for me.
  • LizbethHeller
    LizbethHeller Posts: 39 Member
    ninabaz wrote: »
    So by the sounds of it I'm screwed and fat and nasty for life.

    Ouch!! "Fat" doesn't equate to "nasty." I'm sorry that you're feeling so frustrated. But if you're doing "tough mudders" regularly, you must be in pretty good shape, even if you would like to shed a few pounds. Try not to beat yourself up!

    For me, what works is weighing and recording everything that goes into my mouth, to the point of obsession. I keep a mail scale on the kitchen counter. If I'm going to be working and unable to weigh lunch and snacks, I pack pre-weighed portions. If I don't record something immediately, I'll forget I ate it. If I try skipping the weighing, I'll get off track on portions. Usually it will take about 2 weeks to see any results, and when the results start, they are only a pound or two a week. I wear a fitness tracker that keeps me mindful. Understand that weight loss is basically a calories in < calories out equation, and disappointing though it is (to me) there is no instant magic way to do it.

  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    ladixson1 wrote: »
    Many may scoff, but I'd suggest throwing a few bucks at the 21 Day Fix. Read every word of the nutrition book about 5 times and use the containers as a portion control guide. If you eat the approved foods listed and log ALL of the food you put in your mouth, I can only imagine that you would see results and since you'll be eating 5 cups of fresh fruits and veggies everyday and plenty of fiber, I doubt you'll be constipated. Of course, this program is designed for bypassing nearly all pre-packaged food, so get ready to cook a little :) No, I'm not a Beachbody coach or trying to sell their products, I just know that it works for me.

    That's all well and good, and I don't doubt that it works, but I think OP needs to re-learn how to eat long-term. Like the name suggests, this is a short-term fix. And from the tone of her comments, it seemed to me that she is sick of restricting foods. Maybe the right step for her at this point would be to eat normally without any rules besides a calorie deficit, lest she give up altogether. Just my opinion.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    ladixson1 wrote: »
    Many may scoff, but I'd suggest throwing a few bucks at the 21 Day Fix. Read every word of the nutrition book about 5 times and use the containers as a portion control guide. If you eat the approved foods listed and log ALL of the food you put in your mouth, I can only imagine that you would see results and since you'll be eating 5 cups of fresh fruits and veggies everyday and plenty of fiber, I doubt you'll be constipated. Of course, this program is designed for bypassing nearly all pre-packaged food, so get ready to cook a little :) No, I'm not a Beachbody coach or trying to sell their products, I just know that it works for me.

    MFP is free and has no restrictions on food. That would seem better for the OP. From how she is talking, IMO, more limitations and restrictions wouldn't fix her issues.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    I notice your diary is empty. Try logging your food for a week. Eat however you want during this time, including the shakes if you like. Eating a specific way, e.g. whole foods only, won't guarantee weight loss if you are eating too much of it. Some whole foods are very calorie dense!! So, just try logging your food for a week and see how much you are eating. If it's over your TDEE (the amount of calories you burn in a day, not just from exercise, but also just the amount you use for maintaining bodily function), then you will gain weight. If it's under, you'll lose. You can eat anything you want and lose weight if you stay under this amount!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I'll just drop this here. :)

  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ninabaz wrote: »
    My typical day before I started the shakes was eggs in the am with a veggies. Usually asparagus or spinach. A salad for lunch and veggies and either chicken or fish for dinner. Snacks were plain organic Greek yogurt or low fat cottage cheese. I don't know what else to eliminate unless I do a meal replacement shake. So eating foods that are natural is something that just isn't working. So thought id try this. And working out a hour a day.

    Lots of good advice up there.

    Are you weighing ALL of your food intake? How many calories are you giving yourself for training?

    If you are counting calories then you are either underestimating your calories intake or you are overestimating the calories you burn by training.

    Then, of course, there is water retention, etc. If you're weighing yourself everyday then get accustomed to daily fluctuations even if you are weighing yourself at the same time of day and under the same conditions. I weigh myself in the mornings after relieving myself and before drinking or eating anything, and I still see up to 2 pound fluctuations, sometimes more. Follow the TREND over time.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Nina your diary is empty. How do you know how many calories you're eating every day?
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Nina your diary is empty. How do you know how many calories you're eating every day?

    Nice! I think we have the "ah ha" moment here.

    OP - you might want to double down and start counting. Trust all of these people on MFP that have used it successfully and follow the advice in this thread. It works.
  • drwilseyjr
    drwilseyjr Posts: 225 Member
    Nina your diary is empty. How do you know how many calories you're eating every day?

    Exactly. Which is why I asked OP if she was logging honestly and correctly. She's not...and then wondering why she's not losing weight and looking for some sort of overnight solution.
  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    edited April 2016
    Weight loss is pretty straightforward -start accurately tracking your food intake, make sure you're following portion sizes (a food scale is a huge help with this ), and stay within your calorie parameters. That's it. You don't need to make drastic changes to your diet, cut out foods you enjoy or start intense exercise programs. And you don't need to do meal replacement shakes, unless you actually like drinking them.

    As for the 3lbs, it's probably constipation, due to something in the shake. My weight can fluctuate 2-4lbs in one day, due to digestion timing, sodium intake, hormones etc. If you're experiencing irregularly issues right now that can definitely cause a fluctuation on the scale. That's not actual fat gain though. Look at your first weigh in of each month and then compare it with your last weigh in of each month, to get a more accurate idea of your loss trends.
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    ninabaz wrote: »
    My typical day before I started the shakes was eggs in the am with a veggies. Usually asparagus or spinach. A salad for lunch and veggies and either chicken or fish for dinner. Snacks were plain organic Greek yogurt or low fat cottage cheese. I don't know what else to eliminate unless I do a meal replacement shake. So eating foods that are natural is something that just isn't working. So thought id try this. And working out a hour a day.

    I agree with what everyone above has said. Put your information in, see what it gives you for calories, add your hour of exercise, eat back half of those. Two shakes and a meal are hardly any calories. What you were eating before that, protein and veggies couldn't have been many calories, maybe what? 800 a day? Plus working out for an hour.

    Are you drinking enough water? Eating any fat? Lean 15 powder has 5 grams of fiber for every two scoops, assuming you are using the 2 scoops and not more or less per shake.

    I think you need to reassess your goals and way of thinking. It seems the attitude you have towards this right now is self defeating. You can do this. We all can. Some positive thinking and hard work is what it takes. Out of curiosity, how tall are you and how much do you weigh now?
  • jlbaier
    jlbaier Posts: 1 Member
    Definitely make sure there's a calorie deficit as everyone said, but also you have to make sure you are getting enough calories. Go too low and you may be decreasing your metabolic rate.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I have done meal replacement shakes and still do sometimes. I always log them in my diary. Like any other "food" they are just a tool. Key is to be consuming fewer calories than my body uses during the day over a long period of time in order to lose weight. This means "clean" food gets logged, fast food gets logged, protein and meal replacement shakes get logged.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Guys I don't think she understands that weight loss is 100% based on calories. She's one of those people that falls for the fad diets and believes they work. OP are you logging your calories? I was over 200lbs when I started, I cut down to 150 and have built myself back up from there. All due to recording my calories and making sure to be in a deficit.

    Please do not pull the woe is me card if you haven't tried any of the advice everyone is offering. We've all been there, many of us have been doing it for years. Because it takes years, there is no quick fix. Find out what your TDEE is and eat at a deficit of around 250-500 calories a day in conjunction with exercise. You'll lose anywhere from 2-4lbs a month. That's the most you want to aim for. Give it a try, go with it for 3 months and put in the effort. We promise if you do It properly then you will see results.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I hope OP is reading all of this great advice...