Fell off hard

Hi! I have been off and on. I can't seem to stick to it. I lost weight..and as of today I have gained it all back. It really pissed me off. For as many times as I fail..I try again..so maybe that should make me feel better! It's in me..I just have to make it a priority. I have about 75lbs to lose. Would love to connect with anyone in the same boat and try the accountability route. Send me a friend request! Anyone with great ideas on how to stay motivated and push yourself are welcome too. Even tough love suggestions :) I!


  • kristinogrady77
    kristinogrady77 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm with you. One week I'm kicking *kitten* then the next is the opposite. It's been a bad few days. I don't weigh until Wednesday but my work schedule makes it difficult to get activity in. I would friend you but I haven't figured out how to add people.
  • kristinogrady77
    kristinogrady77 Posts: 19 Member
    WTH?? Stupid auto correct. S/B kicking, not kitten.
  • mamabearobrien
    mamabearobrien Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm new,but I understand the situation. .
    I have lost 14 pounds and gain all of it back!
    Monday is a new start for me.....
    Wish me luck!
  • wuwu90
    wuwu90 Posts: 275 Member
    edited April 2016
    I have just fell off the wagon this morning. Came home from a 12 hour night shift and indulged in pretty much everything in the fridge. So now im over my 1200 calorie intake and its still only breakfast. All we can really do is accept and learn from our carelessness
  • coalz
    coalz Posts: 308 Member
    Alright y'all lets *kitten* kick this *kitten* into second gear! I need some, for reals, accountability! Time to get our *kitten* together, time to take back control of our lives& time to make it *kitten* happen! I'm Friending all of you!(just click on the persons name &press ✅) we are going to make the shift in the ricktor scale & Rock this world!
  • wuwu90
    wuwu90 Posts: 275 Member
    coalz wrote: »
    Alright y'all lets *kitten* kick this *kitten* into second gear! I need some, for reals, accountability! Time to get our *kitten* together, time to take back control of our lives& time to make it *kitten* happen! I'm Friending all of you!(just click on the persons name &press ✅) we are going to make the shift in the ricktor scale & Rock this world!

    Too right! I'm loving ur positive energy. Letss do this! Im not going to let some biscuits and chocolate bars let me feel crap
  • CaydensMommy
    CaydensMommy Posts: 315 Member
    Same boat here! I'm up and down also. I started back 2 days ago. Hoping I can stick with it this time. Also, I'm new to MFP so hello everyone!
  • SharpMamaOf3
    SharpMamaOf3 Posts: 17 Member
    Definitely feel you on this! A friend of mine are starting an accountability get our butts in gear kind of thing as of tomorrow. I need someone to say hey so what have you done today? How are you progressing? That sort of thing. I'm 33 down and 53 to go. I've lost it before and I can do it again as you can too. I'll send you a friend request. The more motivators the merrier :)
  • FitnessGloria715
    FitnessGloria715 Posts: 5 Member
    Same boat here! Let's do this guys!
  • cbusnightowl
    cbusnightowl Posts: 132 Member
    I feel everyone's pain! I lost 30 lbs a year and a half ago and put it all back on :(:( I need to get off the roller coaster! I'm determined to maintain the loss (just have to get back there)
  • osteobump
    osteobump Posts: 3 Member
    Yep, my progress graph looks like a mini mountain range! Came back to mfp a week ago and did OK until the weekend when lunches and dinners with friends did not help! Fresh start again today as 2 bad days aren't going to write me off just yet. Good luck everyone!
  • purrpurplemeow83
    purrpurplemeow83 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi I'm new,but I understand the situation. .
    I have lost 14 pounds and gain all of it back!
    Monday is a new start for me.....
    Wish me luck!

    Good luck!
  • lil_lizt
    lil_lizt Posts: 275 Member
    I lost 33lbs, gained it all back, plus an extra 7lbs so back to it. We can do this!