Hello peeps xD -insert awesome title-

RevNinja Posts: 7 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, the name is Rev [nickname] and I am setting my goals to victory! To lose weight and live in a healthy lifestyle.. You need discipline and the power of Shia Labouef's motivational speech. Kind of hard really at first, like you ready to burn those calories, then after a lap or so.. someone is grilling BBQ outside.. The craves! Dx It has been ruined and you decided to go back and eat.. Bummer. But not anymore! I carry my spartan shield and sheathe my spear and run towards the healthiness of lala~ land. The stuff that you want to do but cannot do it due to the flabby evil fats conquering your body, geez the low metabolism I have. + another medical condition is on the way.. So I did not want to give up, I did not want to be a snorlax in a wheelchair waiting in line in a dialysis center. Watching a beautiful girl so fit with her 2-piece, and wishing you wore one.. [Never worn a 2-piece but I know of One Piece]. Exercising alone is no fun at all, you need friends to motivate you. There was a challenge I did way back.. I failed D: I needed meat. There has been ups and downs, a week you lost, then another week you gained back. I know them feels.. Dx It is like exterminating the muffin aliens in our planet, after they are sprout right back up. Obesity and health conditions have hit the charts, conscious people are in action. Ready to regain more chakra and training and be the ultimate hokage.. Anyways you get my point. I went back to play tennis, so happy to go back to it, I really missed it.. like 6 years ago, I stopped. I do not overeat.. I remember baking myself a pizza and gobbling everything up like a beast. So I am setting my aims and goals straight.

I did not want to type a whole book of myself xD.

So peeps that are reading, feel free to comment or tell me about your summary fitness lives and be allies. We need allies from different countries, because alone, we cannot stand, we need every army in our sides. Let the power of light conquer the fat darkness in Mordor and make the world a better place.


  • Esme140
    Esme140 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Rev,

    I love your awesome title! And your post. My favorite part was, “anyways you get my point” because, oddly enough, I think I do get your point even though I am not at all familiar with “Shia Labouef’s motivational speech; Dx; snorlax; One Piece; alien muffins; or hokage.” Fortunately, I am totally down with letting “the power of light conquer the fat darkness in Mordor and making the world a better place," so I figure we’re good.

    My story? I’ve gotta be several decades older than you and my adult children are all probably older than you, too, so as you can imagine my 2-piece days are a over. Currently, my fitness life consists of a long list of excuses for how I got in the condition my condition is in. (There’s an April Fool’s type reference.) :) Anyway, after a lifetime of pretty good diet & fitness habits, stuff happened, and my good habits fell by the wayside for about 5 years, which brings us to last Sunday, when I finally stepped on the scale and ‘bout had a heart attack when I saw the cold hard numbers. Now, I am in my first week of my new fitness life and consequently, new to MFP. I like the energy around here even if I don’t catch all the references from the latest young generation.
  • RevNinja
    RevNinja Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2016
    Oh! Hello Esme140, nice to finally have a first ever post x3 Yes~ let's join forces together. I accepted your friend request [1st friend ever in here] 5xp points. I am pumped up. Indeed.. the evil fats still lurking around us like shadows. I am kind of new in here too. Some people do not get what I type or say, maybe because, I still think and act weird xD <the face of awesomeness. Those that you are not familiar of are known as 'anime'. [Yes, I love also videogames]. So happy that I got my 1st reply post ^__^ <happy face.

    I personally do not trust weighing scales.. they really stab my heart xDD It is best if I do not weigh myself everyday so I will continue my training of extinguishing the bad fats in my system. Because when you check your weight everyday and the pointy does not go down like you wanted, the motivation and hard work will diminish.. I use the MFP food diary just to keep me on track.

    Chakra [chi energy] is in us, it flows around us, though it has not yet been within us. So, we must exercise and fulfill the ying and yang with nature. Be the wind~ Be the soil that nurtures the young-ling of a blossomed flower. Peace & longevity.

  • Esme140
    Esme140 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Rev!

    Yeah, I’m not overly fond of the weight scales either. My scale shall now be named, “Heart Stabber.” I do not step on it every day but I am planning to peek at it in 5 weeks because MFP Food Diary keeps telling me that I will be 10 pounds lighter in 5 weeks and I gotta admit, I am looking forward to seeing the pointy on those numbers. It will be the first of many 10’s that I need to lose but that’s OK. Slow and steady wins the race. Or, lights up the evil dark fats and sends them shrieking into oblivion, which is even better.

    I love the faces of happy awesomeness! xD ^__^ I shall attempt to be the wind and the soil and I’ll let you know how that goes…

    As for you, don’t worry about the people who don’t get what you type or say. Just keep being who you are--a wonderfully unique young person overflowing with lovely chi energy that jumps off the screen offering peace to everyone. The world needs more of that. You’re good.
  • RevNinja
    RevNinja Posts: 7 Member
    -The figure would eye on the weighing scale known as the heart stabber. 'I will challenge you after a week or so'.. As she said laughing like every villain in the end.
    Indeed, I noticed that the more I exercise, the more I feel light and shining like the morning glory of a sun. You my friend have mastered the typings of an emoji, you unlocked an achievement! :3 I will soon try out 'Body Combat', the adrenaline of punching and kicking like a ninja. Very tiring but fun~ Aww, thanks I hope you grasp a hold on those evil fats and and rip them out from your system.. <wow. It turned out gory xD.
  • Esme140
    Esme140 Posts: 26 Member
    Ha! I suppose I could banish Heart Stabber forevermore but my preference is to win it over to the light side, (on both fronts) lol. How awesome will that be? xD It is, after all, merely a teller of simple truths and I’d feel bad condemning it simply for performing within the limitations of its design. I know it is precluded from telling the whole truth. Nevertheless, it shall retain the moniker Heart Stabber until the truth it does tell hurts less.

    'Body Combat' sounds like great fun, for you. I must admit, after hearing you describe it, I did spend a few moments of thought imagining myself as “Grandma Ninja” because my grandson’s would LOVE that! But, knowing me, I’d probably just end up breaking my own bones. ^__^

    Alas, by whatever means we choose as individuals, together we shall obliterate the fat darkness into oblivion! (That way we don't have to deal with any gory bits.) :)
  • RevNinja
    RevNinja Posts: 7 Member
    That first paragraph, it is like reading a book that you published. I noticed that you.. Only you have replied always back in my first ever topic. -The feels of happiness o3o~ It is like morning for me and that work out in BodyCombat I have done yesterday are giving me the aches, though it was worth it.

    I still got a last thesis to do.. I hate it.. It is like a pile of papers transformed into a dragon suffocating you to finish it up x-x.. Just my professor always giving me the 'no, still missing' sign.. I was supposed to graduate last year, but then this coming August is the graduation day.. She keep stalling me that it still missing.. She is giving me stress and unleashing her negative opinions to me.. x-x. No worries, I got an extra life and overcome those evil thesis report

    Now, I am thinkin'. This is not an introduction topic anymore xD
  • Esme140
    Esme140 Posts: 26 Member
    You're right. We've moved beyond introductions to fighting dragons...follow the fire!