Starting Over....AGAIN



  • Palace76
    Palace76 Posts: 25 Member
    I agree. It's definitely easy to lose track and not realized how all the weight piled on. But I am tired of the Monday diets. It's about making life style changes to just feel healthier.
  • Palace76
    Palace76 Posts: 25 Member
    Anyone else finding this app a little finicky? I can't seem to be able to comment on people's status updates? I want to encourage MFP friends and the app is not working. Anyone else experience this?
  • RWClary
    RWClary Posts: 192 Member
    Palace76 wrote: »
    Anyone else finding this app a little finicky? I can't seem to be able to comment on people's status updates? I want to encourage MFP friends and the app is not working. Anyone else experience this?
    Yes, and after friending somebody, it takes a day or so for me to be able to LIKE and comment...
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Accurately log everything you eat and drink. It's not accurate until you've weighed it in grams. Then when you see how your calorie deficit and calorie surplus appears from Monday to Saturday you, all by yourself, with nobody preaching at you, will decide to change your eating and drinking ways. Until you convince yourself that Saturday calories in matter just as much as Monday calories in, you will continue the frustrating cycle of suffering for your celebrations.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Palace76 wrote: »
    Anyone else finding this app a little finicky? I can't seem to be able to comment on people's status updates? I want to encourage MFP friends and the app is not working. Anyone else experience this?

    One thing that is working at this time is to go to your Friend list, go to a friend's home page, and then like or comment on their recent posts.
  • DelaCass
    DelaCass Posts: 5 Member
    I'm right with you! I find my dieting and exercise so easily maintained during the week but I blow it every weekend. I'm really sick of starting over and hope I can find a way to break my weekend struggle!
  • Palace76
    Palace76 Posts: 25 Member
    @DelaCass Yes!! I feel like all my hard work during the week just literally gets eaten away on the weekends. I need to work on changing this bad cycle. And I have to remember it's a cheat meal, not cheat days! Good luck!

  • Sawjer
    Sawjer Posts: 229 Member
    Best of luck! Feel free to add me for motivation and ideas!
  • lanashealth
    lanashealth Posts: 4 Member
    I just started here. Need to lose 30 pounds. I have started so many times. I am a senior woman, who has had weight issues since i finished raising children (40 years of mine, grandchildren and nephews) last 4 years have put on over 30 lbs. Would like some support and willing to back up others also. So?
  • MPwife10
    MPwife10 Posts: 130 Member
    I am starting over again for the 3rd and hopefully final time. I will get back to my goal and stay this time. Feel free to add me.
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    ditto as MPwife10 above!! I am trying to get back on track.
    It is hard but, I am trying to take it one day at a time. I try to eat clean most of the days but, weekends are tough for me. I workout 5 times/week. I recently signed-up for 5K too. Feel free to add me.
  • maplesyrup10
    maplesyrup10 Posts: 52 Member
    Palace76 wrote: »
    Anyone else a Monday Dieter? Meaning every Monday after a weekend long of eating and drinking whatever you want honestly believe that Monday you're going to change your ways, will start again, and by Wednesday night you're stuffing your face with In-N-Out?

    The struggle is real!

    You have just explained my life for the past several years.......
  • Palace76
    Palace76 Posts: 25 Member
    Let's start this journey together!! We can do this! My weekend of eating has been so so. I do find myself eating without thinking....which is usually the type of eating that gets me in trouble. Anyone else a mindless eater?
  • KyHymon14
    KyHymon14 Posts: 33 Member
    I can definitely relate to you, I feel the same exact way. I started over for the millionth time last week. This time for sure I'm in to stay in it!
  • Palace76
    Palace76 Posts: 25 Member
    Monday is tomorrow! Just sayin. Good luck everyone!!
  • MaryAn85mfp
    MaryAn85mfp Posts: 3 Member
    Yep, me too :(
    I was already done for the day today and then my husband came up with the idea to have a glass of wine, and we had 2. And some snacks. And all that time I'm like "I'll start tomorrow" :(