Need help deciding what to do

I started bulking at around 131lbs (5'9") at the start of January and am now at 140. I've been aiming for 1/2lb a week but have obviously gone slightly over.

My goal is too look as decent as possible in July. Should I continue to slowly bulk up to that point, or aim for 1lb a week (or more) until June-ish and cut for a few weeks?


  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited April 2016
    Male, female? Age? Pictures? Are you on a progressive lifting routine? Are you recovering from an eating disorder?
  • Reelets
    Reelets Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2016
    Male, female? Age? Pictures? Are you on a progressive lifting routine? Are you recovering from an eating disorder?

    18M. I only do bodyweight exercises (pullups/chinups/dips/squats) but have been adding weight to them to keep myself at 5 reps. I had several surgeries where I would lose 5-10lbs in the hospital which is why I was so underweight. Cant take pictures atm.
  • djcolloid
    djcolloid Posts: 13 Member
    Gotta be more specific with your goals here, and know the consequences of cutting and bulking.

    Cut if you want to be shredded for summer. Cons - def lose muscle mass, stop progress, setback for gains.

    Slow bulk if you want to still slowly gain more mass. Only problem is that results will be really slow, but at least you can stay lean. I'm pretty much going to slow bulk this summer, I'm not that big right now and cutting is counterproductive.

    Bulk if your goal is to get big. This is obviously the best option to get mass, but you'll gain fat and look *kitten*.

    Look I'm also 18M right now and suggest you don't cut for the summer. I know you won't be as shredded as you like, but spend the year building muscle then cut for next summer. Gaining mass is a slow process, so don't cut things short and stall for the summer.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Ok OP just keep eating 500 cals over your daily needs using high calorie density foods like peanut butter sandwiches etc.
    Aim for a 1lb a week goal. You need to put fat on anyway but if you can get to a gym and start moving some iron around that would make some of that weight gain muscle.
    Keep assessing yourself in the mirror.

    you really need to get to a gym asap. I know they are expensive but is there a college gym or a YMCA nearby?
  • Jcl81
    Jcl81 Posts: 154 Member
    edited April 2016
    I wouldn't cut at all unless you have a protruding belly.

    Without knowing how long you've been lifting for it seems there is no way you'd have have enough muscle to justify a cut.

    I'm going to base my assumption that you're very new, so continue in the surplus and make a foundation before you try cutting to see the muscle you have, you need to make the muscle first. The trend on MFP forums seems to be that people are forgetting to build a foundation first, so they become skinny fat. Just because a person bulks doesn't mean they gained lots of muscle, and just because a person cuts doesn't mean there is muscle to show

    Most of the articles in the magazines those guys have been lifting for 10+ years. This whole process takes a lot of time!