This is so weird..

When i eat a lot of raw brocoli my back hurts?


Like directly in the middle of my back?

I'm not sure how i even made the correlation but..

Yep, it does.

Just wanted to share.


  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    That is weird. Is that a place people get gas pains?
  • sarahfadell87
    sarahfadell87 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm not sure.. Its right in the middle of my back all the way across...

    Broccoli hurts my back.

    I love the stuff tho man
  • kandisn7
    kandisn7 Posts: 66 Member
    Do you use a lot of butter or olive oil on it? Do you still have your gallbladder?
  • alexreyn13
    alexreyn13 Posts: 52 Member
    edited April 2016
    Might just be coincidental? Have you tried days where you don't consume broccoli to see if the pain occurs?
  • sarahfadell87
    sarahfadell87 Posts: 182 Member
    I have my gall bladder, yes.

    I use light ranch most times, but even without it is the same..

    Just raw brocoli, if i eat it steamed it doesnt seem to have the same effect.

    Im thinking & wondering if it could actually be my intestine, but would i feel it in my back? Maybe it's the brocoli doing its fiber thing?

  • kandisn7
    kandisn7 Posts: 66 Member
    Back pain makes me think gallbladder. But yes, you could feel gas in your back. Hopefully it's just gas!
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    First thing that comes to mind is gallbladder.
  • sarahfadell87
    sarahfadell87 Posts: 182 Member
    Hopefully gas.. I don't want surgery and downtime and all that
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I too think of gallbladder. Only a mild attack. I still have them from time to time even though my bladder is out. And I rarely see any correlation between what I've eaten and the attacks. Too much roughage is the usual suspect, so I weigh vegetables carefully. Fat causes no problem for me.
  • Pollywog_la
    Pollywog_la Posts: 103 Member
    Raw broccoli is associated with reduced thyroid function, but I have not heard anything related to back pain.
    (The thyroid issue is resolved by cooking the broccoli)
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    Some foods can assist bile flow, things like beetroot as we call it here, there are lists on line probably under liver support. I've had more problems after two operations to remove things which had I been aware of all the possible after effects I'd not have gone along with them, as readily, or in the form they took. I'm now of the opinion that we have these bits which do several functions, so we need them. Best I can do is treat what's left as best I can.
  • WrenTheCoffeeAddict
    WrenTheCoffeeAddict Posts: 148 Member
    This sounds like gas pains to me.
    With your gallbladder you're more likely to get 'attacks' having consumed foods high in fat. And those 'attacks' would likely end you up in hospital. They're less like back ache and more like "Omg kill me to put me out of this pain".
  • sarahfadell87
    sarahfadell87 Posts: 182 Member
    Yeah, just back aches.. Probably is gas.

    Better get some beano or something lol
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    I vote for gas pains. Raw broccoli makes me so gassy it's not even worth eating even though I love it. Gas pains can occur in weird places.

    If you lightly steam it, you will decrease/ eliminate the gas issue and it's still delicious, especially sprinkled with salt and pepper.
  • Acacia_Evers
    Acacia_Evers Posts: 263 Member
    Girl, it's probably gas. It does it to me, too. D;
  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member

    many people have gas issues with these types of veggies :)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I don't eat broccoli, but I do get similar pain if I take a pill without enough water.