What's Your Achievement Reward?

I have not hit the weight success that I'm going for yet, however I do feel for the first time ever I have hit an internal success and that has me feeling really good. I have always been a solid football built dude but I have always wanted be at 200lbs and not 260lbs (my height is 5'10) but I never really did anything to change it until now, one day I woke up and said today is the day to transform into a better me and to achieve the goals I set forth for myself and that's what I'm doing.

This is only my 2nd week and this weight lost road has had a few bumps (lost my lady, switched out all the food in my home & at work) but as I look back at this last week...each bump was needed and welcomed!

When I hit my external success I'm going to take a trip to Miami Beach and do a little turning up (ok maybe a lot) but I'm going to do something that I have always wanted to do....walk the beach with my shirt off and I bet it will feel great to have the sun hit my chest and just to lay out on the beach.

I'm not sure if I will have me a new Boo by then but either way it won’t stop me from going and enjoying the hard work and accountability, and success that I just achieved and deserve. That's my big self-reward...what's yours?


  • marty_smith
    marty_smith Posts: 102 Member
    I haven't even thought about a reward, perhaps because I don't have a goal weight because i genuinely don't know what weight i need to be to look as good as i want to! I have fat on my hips that have reduced LOADS over the 7 weeks i have been going, but i need a lot more to go too.

    To be honest, my reward will be allowing myself to go on to maintinence and being able to eat cakes and crisps and chocolate whenever i want in the knowledge that it won't make much difference as long as i log the calories and don't go over my maintinence goal, haha. But for sure walking around with my top off feeling proud will be f***** awesome haha.
  • RebeccaLansdown
    RebeccaLansdown Posts: 101 Member
    Once I reach my goal weight I'm going to go skydiving again. I've been once before for my birthday and really want to go again. I've got 39 pounds left before I hit my goal.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    New tattoo when I hit my goal weight :)
  • Ablake24
    Ablake24 Posts: 5 Member
    I am a post gastric bypass patient, i started my surgical and life changing procedure in November, with surgery March 1, i started at 329 ( and now 259) when i hit below 200, i am having a pin-up photo shoot done by a local photographer whose work i adore!
  • NancyMizuno
    NancyMizuno Posts: 8 Member
    I hit 455 days on MFP today. I have lost almost 100 pounds (had reached the 100, then had a backslide). I find that I have to reward myself often. I set mini-goals, sometimes every day, if my motivation is low and give myself a little reward, like time with a friend or a manicure (I know you're a dude, but it's fun!). I set goals that are attainable in a few weeks, and reward myself with smaller gym clothes or jeans that make my butt look good.

    My big reward is running a 1/2 marathon in the fall in Las Vegas. By then I will have hit my goal weight, and be at a place of maintaining for the rest of my life. And trust me, one heck of a party will ensue!