Needing some support

wannab3thinner Posts: 118 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone.
I'm a twenty something wife and momma who is ready to finally get my pre baby body back. I've been kind of lazy about it since having my daughter and although I've not gained any more weight, I haven't really lost any either. Well, until two weeks ago I hadn't. I've been doing Atkins and have lost about 15 pounds now, but still have 30 more to go to reach my pre pregnancy weight. I could really use support from others with similar goals or on a similar low carb diet. Thanks :)


  • oanacristina1
    oanacristina1 Posts: 2 Member
    I started today my Atkins. I'm 25 and I've got about 25kg to take off!
    Genuinely excited, but still confused a bit on what I can eat. Have you read the books?