hi new here trying to lose the baby weight!

I'm a Sahm to 8 kids one has left the nest though lol. I had my last baby one year ago on 5-30
I gain way to much while pregnant with her over 50lbs. I never have been that much before and now am wanting to shed the baby weight. I look forward to meeting you all!


  • mamasitatata
    Hello!!! I just started mfp yesterday and have already lost one pound! I have a 15 month old as well born 5/22/10. I'm already really excited about mfp and how it allows you to really keep track of what your intake is. I"m sending you a friend request. The more friends the more encouragement!! Good Luck!
  • AmyPfl
    AmyPfl Posts: 9
    I have had two babies and I'm sick of the baby weight, so off it comes, no matter how hard my body tries to get me down:) Not giving up thats for sure. Good luck this is a great site!!!
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    You can do it! I gained 85 after/during my two pregnancies. Being pregnant was hard on my body. So far I have lost 66 pounds in about a year. My youngest is nearly 15 months old now. It takes time for the weight to come off. Just remember that patience and persistance is key and slow and steady will keep the weight off. When it gets hard...don't give up, just push through it. Nothing gets accomplished when you give up. :)

    It's nice to meet you and feel free to add me :)
  • msbabyfat
    msbabyfat Posts: 2
    Nice to meet you and Thanks for the friend request! I too am very excited about mfp it seems like a great.program. I have a son who's birthday is 5-22-03 also how neat!
  • kdudz
    kdudz Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome and good luck.

    I'm a mom looking to shed the baby weight as well and I'm always looking for encouraging friends.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I have a 5 year old and an almost 2 year old. Back in January when DD2 was 18 months old, I wondered "At what point does 'baby weight' just turn into 'weight'?" and started exercising and eating better the next day.
    I've lost 29 lbs so far. I did the Couch to 5K while pushing DD2 in a jogging stroller. She loves being in the stroller when I run, and cries on my solo days (Sundays) when I head out without her. And, yes, I've taken her with me on some of my solo days bc she got upset when I tried to sneak out of the house.
    On my cross-training days I do workout DVDs- Jillian Michaels is great.
  • April1975MFP
    Hi! I am looking to loose the baby weight also. If anyone wants to add me, please do. I need all the support I can get.:happy: