the challenge of working at a residential camp

:grumble: I start my 2 weeks at a residential camp tomorrow and I'm worried about maintaining my weight loss. All meals are in the dining hall and there are LOTS of temptations! There is a salad bar and lots of fresh fruit and I'm just hoping that I can resist all of the temptations (including the night-time staff snack bar where they sell $1 milkshakes!) I'll be walking most mornings but spend much of my days working in the office. I'm hoping to get the motivation that will carry me through this without gaining all that I've lost over the past 5 months! THANKS!


  • Lydvicious
    Lydvicious Posts: 28
    That does sound challenging, but you can do it! Like you said, you've lost so much in the last few months, just keep reminding yourself of that! And maybe you'll even lose a bunch more, running around camp!