Started Diet Chef plan 10 days ago and have lost 8lbs already. This plan for me has been the best I have experienced.
Meals are all set with just fruit and veg and 2 dairy portions to be added plus extra calories depending on the calculations obtained from the diet chef BMI calculator.

So far so good.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Over time try to replace the diet chef meals with home cooked foods so you build a repertoire and have a learning curve for maintenance

    Great that you're on your way ...expect the loss to reduce dramatically as you stop losing as much water weight after the first couple of weeks
  • rubyrosereading
    rubyrosereading Posts: 4 Member
    Having too much good home cooking was my down fall.....with diet chef my body and brain can get used to smaller portions and be full after meals. I like not having to cook separate meals from my family. The whole diet plan is a wonderful start to a healthier life style.

    Good to have fellow slimmers for support!
  • nicola_moss01
    nicola_moss01 Posts: 1 Member
    I started Diet Chef nearly two weeks ago. I'm doing the 4 week plan to see how I get on. So far so good! I like the structure of the plan and the ease of choosing what to eat each day. I hope its training me to eat smaller quantities and to fill up on fruit & veg. I would like to think that I could prepare my own weekly food plan based on the sorts of things I've been eating so far. I can't afford to do Diet Chef forever! How's everyone else doing?
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Having too much good home cooking was my down fall.....with diet chef my body and brain can get used to smaller portions and be full after meals. I like not having to cook separate meals from my family. The whole diet plan is a wonderful start to a healthier life style.

    Good to have fellow slimmers for support!

    Sooooo, is this a commercial for Diet Chef?
  • ladypew
    ladypew Posts: 89 Member
    I'm on day three, any tips?
  • kwiatrtdy2
    kwiatrtdy2 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello Fresh is amazing for this too. They're designed to be healthy balanced meals rather than diet ones, so it averages around 600 calories a meal. What I love is that they provide all the ingredients (except really simple things like salt and pepper) and then you cook it all yourself. The portion sizes are massive. It's just a shame they don't do breakfast and lunch too- but I think they're looking at starting it.
  • powel880
    powel880 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on Diet Chef. Looking for some buddies or groups for motivation if there are any out there. I sometimes find it boring so struggle to stick to on those days, but am a bit of a food addict so I like how it takes out the equation of deciding what to cook. That's a huge relief tbh