Need a little advice

I've been having some binge eating and generally disordered eating habits lately and I recognize that it's a problem but I'm looking for some possible coping stategies or techniques that you folks have used. Yes I have seen and do see a therapist to deal with these issues but I'm looking for some additional input.


  • eithk
    eithk Posts: 11 Member
    For me i essentially have been using the myfitnesspal app to calculate calories and honestly i would set it up to lose up to 2lbs per week (1500 calories) so i can eat plenty as in not much or not little (while i was maintaining). In regards to binge eating you should be atleast be eating a little above your bmi. I two months ago was binge eating 3000-7000+ calories throughout each day a week then afterwards would hit the scale in the morning see a pound or three up then would starve. The cycle went on rebatim and i was tired of compensating that crap so i essentially have been just eating 2000 calories a day while exercising. I disregarded weight gain because either way weight gain only occurs after a period of time of excessive calories in. I have been eating 2000 calories each day for over two months now with some 4000 calorie days (of which i would let happen) and haven't gained a single pound. So in conclusion your best bet is to not compensate binging with over exercising or starving, it's not going to turn out good. Good luck and i guess that was my two cents.
  • smit7633
    smit7633 Posts: 182 Member
    You can set up your food diary with time slots that way you have an eating schedule
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Depending on what causes the disturbances - could be a spectrum from child abuse to lack of knowledge, or just letting some bad habits solidify - self help strategies and getting in some structure can be just as useful as therapy. Meal plan, and stock up on foods you really want to eat (not foods you typically binge on). Set regular meal times and don't eat too little at meals.

    I'm reading "Brain over binge" now, got it in the mail yesterday. Looks promising.