Is 2.6lb/wk too fast

I've lost 30lb total of a 94lb goal (244 down to 150). I'm 5'5'' and after my run this morning I currently weigh 214lb. I started on February 1st so my average weight lost per week is 2.6. Is this too fast?

I feel great! I run and swim more than I ever have and eat back almost all of my exercise calories netting about 1350/day. I also wait tables for a job but have set my lifestyle as lightly active as a way to underestimate my BMR. I feel so good that I am reluctant to change anything though have always heard that anything more than 2lb a week loss is too much.

What are your thoughts? Since I have so much to lose is a little more than 2lb a week average ok? Should I amend my calories consumed and eat more?


  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    It is pretty fast but you have a lot of weight to lose. Its going to be hard to sustain as you get lower. You can keep going if you like but this should be the first thing to adjust if problems with hunger or energy start creeping in.
  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    Because you have more weight to lose it isn't uncommon for you to lose more weight. I think the average is 1% of your body weight a week.
  • becca1380461
    becca1380461 Posts: 25 Member
    n1cholee93 wrote: »
    Because you have more weight to lose it isn't uncommon for you to lose more weight. I think the average is 1% of your body weight a week.

    I like that...thinking of it as a percentage instead of a concrete number! It takes into account how much I already weigh. Once I'm down to 160 and losing the last 10lb then 2.6 would be way too much!
  • becca1380461
    becca1380461 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you both of you for your input!
  • Kay_Fancy
    Kay_Fancy Posts: 34 Member
    I think you're doing really well! Most people will lose a lot in their first few months and as others said, slow down over time. The trick is to not put yourself into stress by eating too little, exercising too much, or stressing too much about it. Are you tracking measurements as well? That will be extra important if you notice the scale creep to a halt. I've been working out consistently now for several months and the last 3 weeks the only thing that has really changed (my weight has been +/- the same 3 lbs the whole time) were my measurements, which are decreasing as my lean muscle increases. :)
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited April 2016
    I started 27th Jan lost 12lbs but loads inches
    Tbh when I was young I'd lose 2-3lbs a week now 28 years later it's 1/2 make the most of it & do it once as its so much harder older
    Well done :)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    If it wasn't, it will soon become too much. The maximum rate you can lose fat (and that is the goal not just weight loss) decreases the less fat you have to lose. Two pounds a week of fat will be achievable for a while yet, but when you are withing 50 pounds of your goal you would be better doing 1-1.5 pounds a week, and when you are within 20 .5-1 pound a week would be better, under 10 .5 a week would be the maximum.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I think you're fine, unfortunately it is likely to slow down on its own. So I say, take it as long as you can get it.
  • AmandaJuneFit
    AmandaJuneFit Posts: 134 Member
    Hey the same has been happening to me ! I started in february at 217 and was averaging 2 LBS a week and now i weigh 190. My goal is 160 so ive got an even 30 LBS to go. I feel it may be getting a bit harder but , i guess ill keep doing what ive been doing ? Once i get down to 160 im not going to go back to old eating havits either. I can't think just because ive lost this weight dosent mean i can go back to my old ways of drinking all the time and binge eating junk food while im hammered lol. Ive been sitting at 190 for a week and a bit now which is really bother me because i was loosing weight pretty quickly. I really want to tone my body and build muscle so I'm going to focus on that as well.
  • becca1380461
    becca1380461 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everybody! It sounds like I was freaking out for nothing!
  • NotGnarly
    NotGnarly Posts: 137 Member
    You are doing awesome. Keep doing what you're doing. :)
  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    Hey the same has been happening to me ! I started in february at 217 and was averaging 2 LBS a week and now i weigh 190. My goal is 160 so ive got an even 30 LBS to go. I feel it may be getting a bit harder but , i guess ill keep doing what ive been doing ? Once i get down to 160 im not going to go back to old eating havits either. I can't think just because ive lost this weight dosent mean i can go back to my old ways of drinking all the time and binge eating junk food while im hammered lol. Ive been sitting at 190 for a week and a bit now which is really bother me because i was loosing weight pretty quickly. I really want to tone my body and build muscle so I'm going to focus on that as well.
    Your body is bangin' for 190 pounds. You must be very tall (and young, lol)! Looking great.