What to expect now that Mirena is out??

After 6 months of cramps, spotting, lower back pain, emotional swings, and just generally living hell I got my Mirena IUD removed yesterday. I've already noticed some improvement though I am experiencing some lower back pain today still.

I'm wondering if those of you who've been through this can give me some indication of what to expect over the next few months. Also if you have any tips for helping my body bounce back that would be great too!

Thanks sisters!!


  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    Glad you started this thread! I'm interested is this too. Seriously thinking about having mine removed, actually spoke with doctor on April 1st about it.

    I haven't had the symptoms you had (I've had mine 2 yrs) but I'm concerned about the constant hormone in my system...
  • taylorwatson1
    taylorwatson1 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm glad you've started this thread, I will have had mine for four years in a couple of months and so only a year maximum with it left. It's a shame you've had those symptoms for so long, hopefully you'll be feeling better soon with it out!

    I've heard it can take up to 12 months for periods, weight, etc to return to normal but not really sure so I'm interested too.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I'm on my 3rd or 4th Mirena--I just can't remember now. I've never had any side effects with it aside from losing my period (Yay!), although for some reason it has now come back & I've had a regular cycle for the first time in many, many years (Boo!). Each time I've had it out I had a short time of cramping. My cycle started back immediately. I would let myself have 1 regular period & then get pregnant. The last time, I was done having babies so I just had the old one taken out & a new one put in--no problems.
  • elaineamj
    elaineamj Posts: 347 Member
    So sorry that u had such a bad experience :( I loved my Mirena - had continuous spotting but preferred that to getting periods. I took mine out at 5 years. My cycle started back up but Started off mostly as very light periods. Even now, 8 years later, my period cycle is still altered. I used to be super heavy for 7 days. Now I am heavy for Day 1, then medium Day 2, and light by Day 3. Then done. I occasionally get strong cramps but usually no more than a day and not every month like I used to.

    I was actually bummed to remove Mirena. But had no excuse to pay for another round since DH got snipped.
  • One_life_2_live
    One_life_2_live Posts: 23 Member
    I had mine removed in May of last year and literally lost 10 lbs in a week!! Since then, my daily headaches are gone, definitely not feeling bloated all the time. Menses have returned to normal.
  • SJRBoomz
    SJRBoomz Posts: 16 Member
    I ended up getting my period the next day.. so crazy! But despite period cramps and discomfort, I already feel sooooo much better!!!
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    I had mine removed in May of last year and literally lost 10 lbs in a week!! Since then, my daily headaches are gone, definitely not feeling bloated all the time. Menses have returned to normal.

    ^^this is what I "think" will happen with me though I won't know until it's gone one way or the other. DH fighting tooth and nail for me to keep it. Lol.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    A LOT less cramping, spotting and general annoyance. Having that da***ed thing in was a horribly painful experience.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    You'll be happier.

    I also had a terrible Mirena experience, I probably lasted about 6mos too. But nothing drastically changed, my pain went away and I was able to enjoy intimacy with my husband again.
  • SJRBoomz
    SJRBoomz Posts: 16 Member
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    You'll be happier.

    I also had a terrible Mirena experience, I probably lasted about 6mos too. But nothing drastically changed, my pain went away and I was able to enjoy intimacy with my husband again.

    How long did your first period last after if came out and how soon was it after it was out?

    Mine came the next day and it's quite heavy! I got it out Tuesday and started my period yesterday.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I had mine in for nearly five years, and it was removed at the end of February. I did enjoy not having periods, but it may have helped contribute to weight gain. I also got cysts, and not just in my ovaries. After the removal I had a ten pound drop (not counted in my MFP weight loss) in less than a week.

    I haven't had a cycle yet, but I felt what's known around the internet as "the Mirena crash". Mood swings and hormones oh my!
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member

    In my experience Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Might have been the mirena, might have been a reaction to the antibiotics it lead to, might be something else.

    Sorry... Hardly a cheerful response. But I would never I a million years have a Mirena (or indeed any) coil in my body again. My body hated it....

    Hopefully you will be one of the lucky majority.