New and really need support

I am a mother of four children ages 15,10, 4 and 2 months and have a boyfriend who is 10 years younger than me. I have always struggled with my weight but when I saw the scale last week I decided I can't do this anymore! I need some serios help. I am tall so I maybe I don't look like I am the weight I am but I know what that number is and it makes me very sad and feeling like yuck. I want to lose the weight for myself but also because I want to take my kids to the pool and not hide in jeans and t-shirts. I want to play outside with them and not feel like I have to go inside after 10 minutes. I eat the Smart One's daily for lunch and some times for dinner and walk every day. I just know from the past that I tend to give up easily but I don't want to fail again.


  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Welcome! You will love this site...the support is great! Feel free to add me! Good Luck! :)
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    There's a great bunch here. Welcome, and a friend request coming your way! :)
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    Welcome to the MFP family! Lots of people here to help encourage and help with your fitness needs/goals.

    Happy body transformation and cheers to your new healthy lifestyle!

    Kyle :-p
  • OldBoyPhil
    Log in everyday. You will get plenty of support.:drinker: :smile:
  • rv40
    rv40 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey and welcome! I want to first tell you congrats because you have recognized that you do want to lose weight for yourself and your children. I have been there and is still in the process. I first want to tell you all the frozen dinners are not good for you. They will make you retain fluid and salt. It's better eating home prepared foods where you know exactly what's in it. Another thing with losing weight is that you have to continously eat. It's all about portion control and feeding your metabolism. Once you gain a few friends here, you can look at their diaries to get ideas on meals to prepare. Also, exercise is very important and drinking plenty water. The most important factor of all consistency. You have to stick with it even if you fall off the bandwagon for a day, a week, a meal. It doesn't matter, it takes time to grow and learn from your experiences. You'll find out what works for your body if you experiement with different foods and patterns of eating. Everyone is different. I would loveeeee to help you. You can request me if you would like! Be blessed!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • beth651
    beth651 Posts: 34 Member
    Glad to see you have found this site. I think this site is great and it gives you more of an insight what you need to do and the support you need. I find it very helpful. (((WELCOME)))
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and Good Luck.
    Log on everyday and take it slow. Educate yourself on healthy foods and try to stay away from processed and fast foods. Eat lots of fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains and fresh meats and fish. Cook for youself. Don't buy thing that are going to tempt you. If it's not in the house you can't eat it. Get healthy snacks. Read the lables and watch PORTIONS> If you get yourself a food scale it really helps keep you with portions. Log in your foods before you eat them. If the numbers are too high make another choice. It's like a puzzle. Once you make all the pieces fit, you are able to see the whole picture.
  • luv2scrub
    luv2scrub Posts: 3
    I'm new too ...add me, read my profile
    I'm finding out that just logging is helping
    Also..after you eat plenty of food that you know is sufficient, and you want more: just get up and start doing something. Anything. Clean, laundry, straighten a drawer
    Best of luck to you... We can help each other
    Everyone is so wonderful and we are all here for the same thing!
  • moyyster
    moyyster Posts: 37 Member
    You can do this. Taking charge is the first step.

    I find too (like the post above) that just logging what I eat helps. Just being accountable for everything I put in my mouth- whether it is a good or bad day- keeps me focused. It helps me to be more aware of when I need to eat and to listen to my body's signals.
    Take it day by day. You can do this.
  • earthboundsc
    earthboundsc Posts: 11 Member
    I hear ya. I'm a single mom of 3 21, 20 and 18. I haven't been below 200 for almost 15 years. I'm 192 now and I feel amazing. You can do it. I suggest not relying on the prepackaged meals though. There are some really tasty low calorie meals out there. Eat lots of veggies, whole grains and avoid the sugar as much as possible. The key for me was finding something I really enjoy doing for exercise. I love biking and can do it everyday! Best of luck, and feel free to look me up if you need some support.
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Hello there.
    Here are some thoughts that come to mind. First of all you are a mom of not only teens but also little ones. That alone is a workout, at least a mental and emotional one. So give yourself a bit of slack on days when you are simply too exhausted to do much more than coast along. At the same time, look into their faces and remind yourself how awesome it is to have this responsibility for the physical and emotional health of them and what better way to do that then setting a great example of determination and perseverance for them to follow.So on days that you waver, grab a picture of them or hug them if they are around and refocus.
    Secondly you mention wanting to lose weight for yourself (pool, running around outside, etc). This is often a hard thing, esp. for moms to accept. Namely that they are allowed to actually have their own, independent wishes not tied to being a mom, but instead an individual with her own agenda. (I say this b/c my sweetie is just like that also, always putting others first). So congratulations on wanting to do something for yourself. Being able to run along with your kiddos, chasing them around the yard is so very cool. To keep you motivated you might actually keep little charts somewhere or get a little log to record the minutes you lasted before seeking refuge in the house. Try to set little mini goals like: "tomorrow I will do this again but will last 1 minute longer".
    Lastly you say you "tend to give up easily" Ask yourself what does that really mean. Giving up on wanting to be healthy? Giving up on wanting to eat well and instead wanting to eat "junk". Wanting to give up on being fit and instead sliding into unfitness. Where do those roads lead? Not a happy place. I know that the eating well, getting fit route is sometimes a painful one. But (although I am a guy and never did experience this first hand, only by watching my sweetie give birth) remember the pregnancy and birth of your four. Was it fast and easy? Chances are it was not. Long nine month, than labour, then the endless days of dedication to see them grow from infant to toddler to teen. And yet, I bet , you do not regret it. That same determination, applied to yourself, will do wonders. Not sure who said it but: "Everything worthwhile, requires pain and patience. While I do not wish you pain, I do wish you patience. Be well.

    p.s. Sorry this was such along reply, a busy mom like you might not have a chance to even red all this in one go:)
  • SusanRenee35
    SusanRenee35 Posts: 182 Member
    Welcome!!! You will love it here! And like someone else posted just make sure u log in everyday. We are all going through our journeys on here together & there is much much support & encouragement & INSPIRATION!
    I also felt like you & just disgusted with myself. Hate getting dressed & how I feel inside this body that I allowed to get this way. There are many many depressive negative feelings that we feel everyday when we carry around this added weight & none of us should feel that way everyday!
    We deserve to feel great & be happy & look forward to being a little lighter each day. I want to lose about the same as you & have already lost 12 lbs & feel so much better that I took control & decided I'm not going to feel like that every damn day again!
    This site is truly amazing & the database of food is incredible! I'm going out to dinner tonight & searched for what would be best off the menu at Kelsey's restaurant & they have every dish on their menu!
    This site truly does the work for you & the biggest thing you need to do is DECIDE.........are u truly ready to start living your best life & stop feeling the way you do everyday? Are you ready to join a commuinity of great people who are here to support & hold your hand through a new journey in your life? Are you ready to start feeling great, sexy & happy that you took control?!! Are you ready to accept that not everyday will be perfect but that you will always do your best to stay on track to the new you?
    If you answered yes to these you are in the right place! Feel free to add me as a friend. I am inspired daily by the great people on here & they help me through my journey & we will help you!