Motivational buddies?

Add me! This past year and a half has been very stressful and that being said ive gained it. Not only have i gained weight but i lost my confidence. I used to be on my fitness pal but i just recently had to make a new one ... New journey right? Pushing to lose 28lbs, others may be reaching for bigger or smaller goals but regardless of what your ideal success number is, I would love motivational buddies for support in my journey and yours. I need to not only be a happier me but a healthier as well.


  • nicole3921
    nicole3921 Posts: 97 Member
    Sent request
  • pmhandlo11
    pmhandlo11 Posts: 101 Member
    Sending request'
  • Lewisg51
    Lewisg51 Posts: 220 Member
    Good luck with it ☺ glad to hear your getting back on it .
  • Bettina82
    Bettina82 Posts: 30 Member
    I sent a request :) it's great you are getting back on MFP!
  • emilyswilfong
    emilyswilfong Posts: 12 Member
    Just sent! My confidence has plummeted since having my baby in January. I am only 10 pounds above pre-baby weight, but my body has changed so much. I was overweight before I got pregnant, and I'm at my heaviest non-pregnant weight. I just joined back up so I'm hoping to find some new friends to keep me motivated! Wanting to lose 40lbs.