hi guys, I'm new here and I'm scared

its so hard to be a 28 year old woman that weight so much, its scary but at the same time its all I've known for the past 10 years, I've learned to be ok with it, but recently I've been sad and I would love to make a change, I get on a diet every month and usually only lasts 3 days, but I want it to be different this time. I want to be free again and happy. im not sure I have it in me.... and that's scary


  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    Hey there! I can absolutely relate. I was 325lbs at 21 years old. Major wake up call! I've successfully dropped 75 of those pounds, and am working my way down to a healthy weight.

    You CAN do this. You are strong enough! Please do feel free to add me if you'd like a friend.
  • pwh300
    pwh300 Posts: 99 Member
    You'll do it. I found this site is the best. When I write everything down I know where I STAND. You can do it everyone here will be a great support...
  • mikkara
    mikkara Posts: 4 Member
    Try to get yourself focused on your goal.....weight loss, feeling better and being healthy! Tell yourself you are NOT dieting, but exploring a new lifestyle that will reap benefits. "Diet" usually implies denying yourself the foods you enjoy, foods that give you pleasure or comfort, etc. That is why most people who are just looking in the mirror and despise their reflection get angry, try a diet, and fail after 3 days. I'm pretty new to this myself. I have been thinking about losing weight for years, but convinced myself that I looked okay when I had make-up on, nice clothes and jewelry.....wrong. My health has been horrific, and I am 66, so I suppose I could excuse myself a bit. I started at 270 the last week in February. I was 251 this morning. I am thoroughly enjoying the challenge of creating food plans for myself that help me stay in the "range"; I started going to the gym 3X week.....am not too creative there yet, just doing treadmill, bike and a few weights, but in time......

    Anyway, if your head is ready, you will be ready to start treating yourself good. You deserve to be the best you can be in all respects!
  • Doogiezz
    Doogiezz Posts: 5 Member
    You can and you WILL do it! For three years I've been working at it and am down 92 pounds thanks to this site, The Skinnytaste Cookbook and The Sonoma Diet Facebook group. Would you like an invite to the FB group? Let me know..... and stop thinking of it as a diet and start thinking of it as a lifestyle change! If you love to eat tasty food and if you like to cook even a little then The Sonoma Diet is for you.
  • Jpat0
    Jpat0 Posts: 201 Member
    Being scared is a positive response. Your body is scared of things it's not used to and prefers that you stay comfortable. You're going in a positive direction, so don't be worried.

    I hate the term "diet". It has such a different meaning in the world that it should. A diet is just what you're eating. You can have a bad diet or a well-balanced diet. Eating little bit is not a good diet either. I think the first step to weight loss is educating yourself on the topic. If you understand what you're putting in your body, where the weight is coming from... you'll understand the process and make it easier. PM if you need help, I'll be happy to.