Wanna be friends??

Hi!! I just recently signed up to MFP and was looking for supportive friends to help each other on that health journey!! I've lost 6 years ago about 65 pounds but unfortunately with time, gain it all back. My goal is to lose 40 pounds on a 1200 cal a day and hopefully exercising 5 times a week!! I also do intermittent fasting 16:8 and I'm a big fan of DDP YOGA!! So if you're looking for a supportive, helping and motivating friend, let's give each other a hand!!
Let's do this Pals!!!


  • 4LifeDestiny
    4LifeDestiny Posts: 3 Member
    I signed up last year in February 2015 but really never did anything with the app. Now I'm ready to get go but need some friends to help me be accountable. Please add me.