How long until people noticed your weight loss?



  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    I'm only 4'10" and lost over 20 pounds before anyone other than my sister-in-law noticed.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    rayodani wrote: »
    Cynsonya wrote: »
    I've lost 39lbs and no one has said anything other than my mom. I think she only said something to keep me motivated. I can't even really tell myself.

    Congrats. Can I ask what did you workout start with in the beginning of this journey?

    Haha, I don't work out. I'm quite lazy ;)
  • gypsy8080
    gypsy8080 Posts: 25 Member
    I've lost 16 pounds out of 80, and no one has said anything. I've only noticed losses in my legs and hips. My belly, arms, and face still look mostly the same, so I don't think anyone is going to notice until those start to shrink.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    I've noticed that some people are actually uncomfortable making a comment in case they're wrong. It's only when you mention it yourself that they feel they can make a comment.

    So they probably saw the loss, but are at a loss as to whether it's appropriate or not to comment.

  • NYRhockey00
    NYRhockey00 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Lose the weight for will happen as long as you are dedicated. As long as you are noticing (how your clothes fit, energy levels, etc...) you are doing your job.
  • TakingBackForever
    TakingBackForever Posts: 564 Member
    10% (20 pounds) of my weight before people noticed. It took me longer. Sometimes I still can't see it. I'm 40 pounds down now.
  • wildfire1204
    wildfire1204 Posts: 237 Member
    I'm 5'8 and first heard it at around 20 down. Now i'm at 30 down and hearing it fairly regularly. While I appreciate it, it doesn't matter. With or without it, I've got this. So do you!
  • Bluepegasus
    Bluepegasus Posts: 333 Member
    I think it depends on how you carry the weight, I'm quite tall (5'8") so when I put on weight/lose it, it's not hugely noticeable. I've lost 20lbs so far (now 148lb from 168), my husband said I look thinner, but no one else notices.
  • hamstertango
    hamstertango Posts: 129 Member
    jmpaterno wrote: »
    I could be wrong, but I think this really depends on height. I'm 5'3" and have lost 23 pounds, and my fiance is 6'2" and has lost 19. People have really noticed my loss (even I can see it now), but his is less obvious. I feel like my weight has fewer places to go, and it's really obvious when I gain even 5 or 10 pounds. Does any of this make sense? Admittedly it's totally anecdotal.

    Makes sense, perhaps it's more about %of body weight lost than comparing lbs.
    I'm v.close to goal and 20% of bodyweight lost and everyone even acquaintances notice as the change is pretty dramatic.
    I started getting comments about my 'new hair style??!' at about 9% lost (about 14lbs) and then comments about actual weight lost at about 12%