Couch to 5K-Goal to run 5K in September



  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I did my first day on Saturday and i am doing it again tonight. :)
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    I'm signing up for a 5k tonight! It's at the end of August. I'm so excited. :)
  • Samtastico
    Samtastico Posts: 12
    I'm in! I just finished Week 1 Day 2 a little bit ago. Feel free to add me :)
  • healthysew
    healthysew Posts: 105 Member
    Did Day 2 of Week 1 on Thursday was a lot harder for some reason then Day 1. I think I may repeat weeks because I still am struggling.. How is everyone else doing??
  • TaraAdams
    TaraAdams Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in gotta get walking first. Give me 2 weeks of walking starting next week. Man my life needs to slow down so I can have time for myself
  • butox
    butox Posts: 7
    Just finished w8d1. Still sitting here in running clothes. I'm all in for a 5k!
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    I'm starting in the morning. I have done it before, but moved and adopted a baby and lost my momentum. It is a great place to start for aspiring runners... My 12 year old son is going to do it with me, and maybe my hubby... Looking forward to starting in the morning..
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Completed W1D1 pushing a double jogging stroller with 2 kiddos..It was hard, but good to be back at it..:)
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    I thought I wrote in earlier, don't know what happened! Anyway, I'd love to join this.

    Completed Week 2, day 1 tonight - felt awesome!!! The first jog seems like there is no way I can do it, and then after that, honestly, I amaze myself that it is fun and enjoyable - who would have thought?!

    I am planning to run my first ever 5k in either September or October.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I started recently too, tonight I finished W2D1. I was so proud of myself. Looking forward to the rest of the week.
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    I am interested. I have the saem goal
  • meagmatt
    meagmatt Posts: 17
    I'm starting week 2 today-a little nervous but realized when I finished week 1 that I didn't feel like I had to stop at the end of the jog interval. Amazing! Good job everyone!
  • healthysew
    healthysew Posts: 105 Member
    Did day 3 of week 1 yesterday and definitely felt good. Stillt trying to decide if I want to repeat weeks or not.
  • healthysew
    healthysew Posts: 105 Member
    yay started week 2 last night and it wasn't terrible! i did all the runs except the last one and am excited to try day 2!
  • PhilipHall
    PhilipHall Posts: 37 Member
    Count me in!
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    Has anyone gotten "injured" during C25K? If so, how did you handle it? My left calf lately has tightened up so bad I can barely run, and I've been trying to stretch it every day and I'm just hoping it clears up soon. I want to stay on track!
  • meagmatt
    meagmatt Posts: 17
    I think rest, ice and anti-inflammatories are your best bet.
  • mnsmith83
    mnsmith83 Posts: 128
    I'm in too! Doing W1D3 tomorrow at the gym. The treadmill seems to be a little less hostile than the road, for now =)
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Hi! I'm actually just finishing week9 of c25k this week but the 5k I am shooting for is on September 25th. I still have only run on the treadmill so I need to transfer my runs outside plus am going to be on vacation for 3 weeks this summer. I figured those things (combined with the kids going back to school late August) made September the smartest time to try my first 5k. Can I still join in? I can help answer questions about future weeks (don't worry about's not as scary as it looks! :happy: ). And if I can do it (I'm sooo not a runner!), you all can definitely do it! Good luck!
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I finshed week 2 this morning, onto week 3 on Saturday! The part I'm finding hardest is the breathing, my legs are ok and I can keep going but if I take my focus off of my music and actually think about breathing it gets so much harder. its all mental, I just can't seem to convince myself that I'm going to be ok.