Weight Loss Questions

ZobiaQureshi Posts: 28 Member
edited April 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone!

I have recently started MFP again. Had a very long break but came back after I looked at the number on the scale(haha!). I need to shed 50+ pounds, and it feels awful as im at my heaviest now!.

CW: 195
GW: 140
UGW: 130
Height 5'5

I made my diary's open! I was confused at first - I had my setting set to lightly active however it wasn't realistic.I am at sedentary as I work 9-5 every day.

I aim to keep my calories at 1200, and i began the couch to 5k program. I try to burn somewhere between 200-300 calories a day - depending on time/energy etc.

I am on a meal replacement powder for dinner. It is the slim style with PGX in french vanilla. I make a smoothie for dinner and I add in one scoop, 3/4 cup Kale, Banana, 1/4th cup milk, 1/4th cup strawberries, 1/4th cup blueberries, 1/4th raspberries and 1/4th cup blackberries.

I want to lose 1.5-2pounds on a weekly basis. Am I on the right track? Should i burn more calories?

Edit: Please add me as a friend! Let's keep ourselves motivated :smile:


  • ZobiaQureshi
    ZobiaQureshi Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks @RA60172! Ill get one of those! It's going to a bit strange getting into that habit
  • ari7l
    ari7l Posts: 38 Member
    I honestly think the best way to lose weight is going low carb- no grains what so ever even if its whole wheat/and then once ur near ur desired weight u can SLOWLY start adding carbs back into ur diet. Have protein, and healthy fats, and keep ur calorie intake 100-50less than recommended because we often consume more than what we perceive, set weekly targets, monthly ones and work hard towards these. :)
    The smoothie sounds delicious!
  • jodielariviere66
    jodielariviere66 Posts: 15 Member
    Great points there, vismal. I agree about the burn out, and particularly that no particular diet is necessary (although eating more vegetables and fruits helps you fill up so you don't feel hungry all the time!)
  • koreangurl
    koreangurl Posts: 59 Member
    Using a food scale to measure your food is absolutely needed. Would suggest you invest in one, you will defintely lose weight my weighing your food :D
  • TheRiceLord
    TheRiceLord Posts: 24 Member
    Sedentary is your basal metabolic rate multiplied by 1.2. Sedentary is the best choice to choose and whatever exercise you do, factor in the calories by yourself. Who's to say how much the calculator knows how much you burn everyday? Lol. Plus on some days we don't exercise, so we can factor things easier, without being confused on what our "maintenance" level is.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think 1200 is too low for you. You are young, not very short, and your weight means that your body burns a decent amount of calories just to keep you alive. Change your goal to 1600-1700. You will lose weight eating more, but you will lose less lean mass, and a higher calorie goal is easier to stick to. It's the sticking part that is sticky. In fact, it's crucial, because you are going to be doing this for a long time. Find a way to eat and train that you can easily picture yourself following for a year, and then, modified, for the rest of your life. Use this year as an opportunity to learn how to eat and move. This means that the meal replacement powder has to go. Eat real food, but portion controlled. Use your food diary. Log everything. Weigh everything on a food scale. You won't need measuring cups/spoons (and the washing up will be easier too, that's a nice bonus, or what).
  • mwinslow69
    mwinslow69 Posts: 58 Member
    Would like to be a weight loss buddy
  • ZobiaQureshi
    ZobiaQureshi Posts: 28 Member
    ari7l wrote: »
    I honestly think the best way to lose weight is going low carb- no grains what so ever even if its whole wheat/and then once ur near ur desired weight u can SLOWLY start adding carbs back into ur diet. Have protein, and healthy fats, and keep ur calorie intake 100-50less than recommended because we often consume more than what we perceive, set weekly targets, monthly ones and work hard towards these. :)
    The smoothie sounds delicious!

    Thanks for the advise! This this diet plan work for you? and haha the smoothie tastes pretty good!
  • ZobiaQureshi
    ZobiaQureshi Posts: 28 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to avoid carbs or grains. Calories in vs calories out determines weight loss. As mentioned above, a food scale is the single most important tool in weight loss. It ensures accuracy in tracking which allows for proper manipulation of your calories.
    I'd also note that with 55 lbs to lose, two lbs a week loss will probably only be doable in the very beginning. Trying to lose too aggressively can lead to burn out, binging, poor compliance and low energy.

    This may be a stupid question, but im very confused to how a foodscale would work.
    Example- Would I just measure raw foods such as Kale, Raw chicken breast etc? What about orange, apples etc?
  • ZobiaQureshi
    ZobiaQureshi Posts: 28 Member
    mwinslow69 wrote: »
    Would like to be a weight loss buddy

    Add me ! Let's do this together :)
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to avoid carbs or grains. Calories in vs calories out determines weight loss. As mentioned above, a food scale is the single most important tool in weight loss. It ensures accuracy in tracking which allows for proper manipulation of your calories.
    I'd also note that with 55 lbs to lose, two lbs a week loss will probably only be doable in the very beginning. Trying to lose too aggressively can lead to burn out, binging, poor compliance and low energy.

    This may be a stupid question, but im very confused to how a foodscale would work.
    Example- Would I just measure raw foods such as Kale, Raw chicken breast etc? What about orange, apples etc?

    Measure all solids, even fruit (the weight of an apple can vary greatly from Apple to Apple; the same goes for slices of bread, etc.); measuring cups are for liquids.

    Echoing the poster you quoted: there is no reason to go low carb/no grain, unless you have a legitimate medical reason to do so. People on low carb diets can easily gain weight by eating too many calories overall.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    In regards to weighing things like apples. I weigh whole, eat what I want, then weigh what's left and log the difference.
  • brrrycicle
    brrrycicle Posts: 64 Member
    This may be a stupid question, but im very confused to how a foodscale would work.
    Example- Would I just measure raw foods such as Kale, Raw chicken breast etc? What about orange, apples etc?

    I have bowls and a small plates that I measure everything on. I put one of them on the scale, click "tare" to reset the weight so it's not weighing the plate/bowl and then I place whatever I'm weighing on top and log it in GRAMS (more accurate than ounces). I try to weigh everything pre-cooked. I then search for the entry in the database using this app... For veggies and fruit I search the name ("banana" for instance) and then type USDA to get that entry because it's usually correct, and I can easily log it in grams.

    Meats are pretty much the same. I use liquid measuring cups for all of my fluids (milk, soy sauce, etc). Prepackaged foods are also worth weighing (though I usually don't) because the serving sizes can actually be up to 20% greater than what the box says, same with sliced bread. The actual serving sizes of pasta, cereal and peanut butter can make a grown man cry...

    It's also handy to have a note pad and pen near the scale so you can just scribble the food items and amounts and then add it all together when you're done. :)

    My digital scale was the best purchase I made for my weight loss journey.
  • brrrycicle
    brrrycicle Posts: 64 Member
    edited April 2016
    capaul42 wrote: »
    In regards to weighing things like apples. I weigh whole, eat what I want, then weigh what's left and log the difference.

    I work complete opposite. I cut the core out and then weigh the portion of the apple that I intend to eat. I also peel fruits like bananas and oranges before I weigh them. I NEVER have left over fruit to account for, but I'm also an endless pit of hunger.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    brrrycicle wrote: »
    capaul42 wrote: »
    In regards to weighing things like apples. I weigh whole, eat what I want, then weigh what's left and log the difference.

    I work complete opposite. I cut the core out and then weigh the portion of the apple that I intend to eat. I also peel fruits like bananas and oranges before I weigh them. I NEVER have left over fruit to account for, but I'm also an endless pit of hunger.

    I usually take mine to work with me for snacks. And I hate when my apples brown lol. I just put my fruit in a ziploc bag, weigh, write the grams on the bag and after I eat just put it back in the bag and reweigh when I get home.
    I also log it at full weight in the morning before I leave so I actually get extra calories back when I get home and reweigh. I like to trick myself into thinking I have extra for treats lol