Old, overweight with BAD knees

I am a soon to be 60 year old women who is grossly obese ( Doctor quote ) with bone on bone in both knees. I have yo- yo dieted over the years with 30 to 50 pound lost at a time. Now at a high weight again I am starting again. At my age and physical condition I would appreciate all the advice others may have.
Thank you Resse


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited April 2016
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    nsbseabean wrote: »
    I am a soon to be 60 year old women who is grossly obese ( Doctor quote ) with bone on bone in both knees. I have yo- yo dieted over the years with 30 to 50 pound lost at a time. Now at a high weight again I am starting again. At my age and physical condition I would appreciate all the advice others may have.
    Thank you Resse

    @nsbseabean welcome to MFP forums. In 2014 at the age of 63 going down for the third time so to speak after dealing with arthritis for 40 years and wrecking my health with 40 years of yo yo diets and the doctors wanting me to start on Enbrel injections I new I had to do something. In the back of my mind I thought if I could just get off of sugar and all forms of all grains I might be able to manage my pain without using something like Enbrel on top of years of Rx meds that really was hard on my system.

    30 days before I was to start Enbrel cold turkey (tapering was not working out) I stopped sugar and all forms of all grains. 15 days in my 40 years of carb cravings just started to fad very fast. 30 days in my pain dropped from about 7-8 to 2-3 on a 1-10 scale. 180 days in my 40 years of IBS resolved and has stayed that way. My weight drifted down to 200 pounds (250 was max ever) and I have maintained there for the past 395 days eating on average about 2500 calories a day.

    Today my son (18) helped me hook up the tractor to the bush hog and I mowed the shoulders of the road past church and the field where the kids play games. Two years ago I was using an electric mobility scooter like at theme parks and WM. To get on and off the tractor brought pain tears to my eyes.

    I encourage you to find a way of eating that interests you and give it a shot for 90 days at a time. In my case I had to see myself dead in my coffin due to side effects of Enbrel usage to get through the two weeks of what seemed to be carb withdrawals if there is such a thing.

    There is big time hope for us as long we are breathing others told me. I am now telling you because I personally know it to be true. Now at 65 my health and health markers are better than when I was 45 and I expect they will be better at 75 than they are today.

    Best of success.
  • fontes830
    fontes830 Posts: 58 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • TheRiceLord
    TheRiceLord Posts: 24 Member
    Every pound you lose, it takes 4 pounds off your knees. Feel free to add me for support!
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited April 2016
    My thoughts now is its better anything anything than to gain anything
    So input your details stick to the cals & the weight will come off.
    Swimming a good or arm chair exercises as long as your moving more than you are now it'll burn more calories & tbh weightloss is 80% diet 20% exercise :)

    Yoyoer myself 28 years with a bad knee bad calve muscle but I'm kicking my a**
  • fairylady1962
    fairylady1962 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi and welcome. I have very bad knees and poor health but you can still lose the weight without exercise. As you lose the weight gentle exercises, even sat down can really help. Happy to be friends and help support and motivate