too many calories?

Is MFP allowing too many calories? I am usually a little under my allowed but still not losing . I have even tried to eat most & not losing. I have jumped around for about 3 weeks now.. gain a few..lose them & then gain again. I had a lot better results eating 1000 or less. Years ago I lost 100 lbs in a year eating from 600-900. I know that isn't good & don't want to go under 1000. What is your opinion?
Most that is showing was lost before MFP & I wasn't counting. I was doing South Beach which I still do but counting.


  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i struggle as well i find if i eat the 1200 mfp allows i maintain if i eat those and exercise daily burning 500+calories i lose slowly like 0.5lb a week

    i think its just tweaking around to find what suits you
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    MFP wants me to maintain at 1980 calories a day. For me, that is WAY too low. I need at least 2200 calories to maintain my weight. Anything less than that and I will see a slow weight GAIN. I generally eat between 2200-2500 calories a day depending on what I've done (work, worked out, did both, etc).
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    This could easily just be a plateau. Every body is different, but under 1000 calories isn't enough for maintaining health/strength, long term.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    ive just had a quick look at your diary you have a high amount of sodium in a day which can cause you to retain water try cutting down on it and upping water intake see if that helps any im sure other mfp peoples will have some more tips
  • Bamagal36
    Bamagal36 Posts: 33
    Everything seems to have so much sodium in it. Even veggies eggs do.. It is hard to find anything to eat that is low in sodium. I add very little as I season mostly with spices.
    I get very frustrated as I have always lost so easy if I really tried. I am really trying. I give up a lot to lose & gets very frustrating when don't or I have a small gain.
    Thanks for the answers.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Looking at your calorie allowance I would say it is too low and your body thinks you aren't feeding it so it will store everything you give it. You need to be eating more, just make sure it is nutritional stuff, fruits, veggies, protein, not processed nastiness.

    I do not add salt to anything I make and I always look at the sodium on labels. I do not eat hardly any "processed" anything because it is so full of sodium.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    You are actually not getting ENOUGH calories. Don't eat below your BMR, NET (you can find that by clicking TOOLS). So that means that you must eat your BMR + ALL YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES. Yes, it's true. Jillian would not lie to you, and neither would I :)

    Here is a great thread to explain it:

    Eat right up to your 1310 calories (net), (don't even leave 100 remaining!). Add in some peanut butter or a nutrition bar in the morning, or late afternoon if you prefer.

    MFP has accounted for a 500/day deficit for a 1 lb/week loss in your calories. (yours being 1310). Whenever you exercise, you must eat ALL those exercise calories in addition to the 1310. If you eat fewer than net 1310, you will not lose; and you may even gain.

    Even if you do not exercise, you MUST eat that 1310.
