Sitting around eating junk

Hi All,

Wondering if anyone can give me some advice.. Other than stop eating junk!

I am struggling with my weight loss.. I have motivation, but when I'm sitting around watching tv / stress / anxious etc, I will order junk to eat like Pizza Hut / takeaway etc.. Which doesn't help with the weight loss. Advice on changing habits?


  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Stress/boredom eating is a common challenge.

    One possible thing you can try is to log the snack before you order the pizza. If it fits your goal and you can portion out the remaining pie to eat later, go ahead and order the pizza. If it doesn't fit, don't go through with the order.

    Try it a few times and see if it helps you build some impulse control.
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    I mean it really comes down to how bad you really want it. This is the greatest motivator/deterrent of this eating habit. Everyone has this struggle. When im sitting on the couch i want to bring the entire jar of peanut butter and box of graham crackers with me and eat it all for the duration of my sitting and watching tv, but i want to be lean more. Maybe find some low calorie snacks that you can keep on hand and that way you can snack on those and still not take in an absorbent amount of calories. Maybe celery sticks, baby carrots, coffee, diet soda, tea? I make a couple of sugar free low cal jello bowls for each day and i include that in my sitting on the couch and snacking in addition to the ones i mentioned. How about sugar fee chocolate, vanilla, birthday cake pudding? Those are low calorie and can take some time to finish even if consuming the entire box after you make it.
  • ZC1981
    ZC1981 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks both
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Don't sit around watching t.v...go do something. Establish boundaries for yourself like eating at the table rather than on the couch watching t.v. when you do watch t.v.
  • cranberry509
    cranberry509 Posts: 14 Member
    Don't sit wathing TV, go out -f or a walk or to a gym/swimming, exercise class/outdoor gym or similar, anything that would stop you from passing any shop/take away and buing anything. Do not take cash or debit card with you)! It works perfectly fine with me.

    I work in a hospital, I deal with obese/unwell patients and after seing them I am not having certain food.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    There's nothing wrong with Pizza Hut (well, I don't really like their food, but that's me), so long as you can fit it in your day.

    Most of the "junk" food people demonize is actually nutritionally not as bad as you might think, it's just very easy to overeat if you don't watch your portions and plan ahead. Pizza is really just bread, tomato, cheese, herbs and spices, and some meats or veggies - the sort of thing that people call "healthy" when it's in a sandwich. It is often high in sodium, so if you're in the 10% of the population that needs to watch sodium, you might look for something else, but if you're in the other 90% (as I am) that is not relevant to you.

    For me, it's all about planning. If I want to get a pizza, I will, but I'll plan how my calories will work for the day and see how many slices I will be having, and I stop when I've had that much. Pizza is only going to derail your diet if you overeat it.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Don't sit around watching t.v...go do something. Establish boundaries for yourself like eating at the table rather than on the couch watching t.v. when you do watch t.v.

    Yep, the screen is the devil. Do something active. Don't eat while looking at a screen.

    Best of luck.
  • ZC1981
    ZC1981 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks all
  • mgookin1
    mgookin1 Posts: 72 Member
    I love popcorn for watching tv. I will measure out 4 cups of plain white popcorn with a little bit of sea salt and it's only 140 calories.
  • koslowkj
    koslowkj Posts: 188 Member
    Find something else to do with your hands. For example, I crochet while I watch TV. It's hard to eat when there's yarn in your hands!