Exercise advise for f 46 70lbs to go

size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
edited April 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi in 2012-2014 I was quiet fit exercised a lot 12 cardio classes a week jogging gym walking 1-2 hours 5 days a week
I tore my calve muscle tried to exercise but it was awful instead of grinning and bearing it I gave up then last year I got really ill sepsis hemoraghing lost my baby at 5 months pregnant 11 blood transfusions November I couldn't even walk without nearly throwing up I was so anaemic
I have yoyoed weight for years as I dieted never got to goal but after nearly dying a couple times last year with an intensive care stay I am now changing my lifestyle

12 weeks I've been back on mfp lost 12lbs and 12.5 inches it is slower as my age and I had lots medication but I'm sticking at it.

I am walking my dog 1 hour a day and doing treadmill 30 minutes every other day I'm trying to do c25k but I can't do all the runs so I skip some

My question is do you think I should do treadmill c25k every day with 1 rest day ? Will it improve my fitness or should I just build it up slowly ?
My leg does play me up occasionally & ive a Dodgy knee :)



  • unnichacko
    unnichacko Posts: 47 Member
    Question is, if you want to take this whole fitness thing up for life or is it a short term weight loss routine? I highly recommend starting slow and build it up progressively as our body adjust to a same routine and after a certain period of time it doesn't give us result or the result get slower. In my opinion, walk 30/40 minutes every other day and once you feel comfortable doing it and feel that you can push a little more, you can take it up a notch from there by either walking 45 minutes every other day or increasing your pace a little or doing it four to five times a week. So many options. And then when you feel like you are bored or you can push yourself a little more than this, start c25k in walk and jog style and I am sure in no time you will be able to finish your c25k by running straight also. Hope that helps. ^_^
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Thankyou I appreciate your help and totally agree
    Yeah I know you have to change things to fool your body as it gets used to what you do I've learnt alot in 28 years except emotional eating is my downfall or busy tired eating
    I want to have a fitness routine for life just get frustrated with how unfit I am now
  • meaganseafit
    meaganseafit Posts: 19 Member
    Weight training! Please try weight training! You'll get so many more benefits and you see amazing changes. You need to build a little lean body mass to speed up your metabolism so you don't have to diet as hard. Running is pretty tough on your body, so for longevity purposes I'd try a little resistance training. :) It'll actually probably help your running, if that's what you really love.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Thankyou @meaganseafit I must admit my arms are always weak with weights I've brought some kettle bells and a dvd I need to get them out
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Hello fellow veteran. :)

    Pretty much the same age here. Agree with starting out with what is comfortable and then ramping up. And I have to change things too and have goals of some kind because I get bored.

    Don't know if you have access to a gym, or want to, but I've got knee issues too and I've found that alternating using the rowing machine and spinning/bike classes is going well.

    I'm ridiculously slow on the rower to the point I just know there is something basic I'm missing or getting wrong. But it has been great for firming up all over and so far no problems with my knees.

    At the moment my schedule is basically A/B/A/B/A/B and then a rest day. And I walk when the weather is nicer...just beautiful now.