Starting Over! (Again) 5'2 245lbs

I've been a member here for several years, and once upon a time lost twenty pounds and gained it back and then some. It's been nearly a year and a half and I'm here to try again. It's only been three days, but I feel like I'm ready for the long haul.
My long term goal is to be at a healthy weight for my short short self. I'm aiming for some day being down to 150lbs. My short term goal is that I want to be under 190lbs by my 30th birthday. I just turned 28 two weeks ago. That's 55lbs in two years. A perfectly attainable goal, if I stick to it.
I'm really trying to log everything that I do and eat. I'm not working out just yet other than my daily squats and playing with the kids. I'm working on eating healthier for a month and get into the habit of logging everything and then throw weight training into the mix.

Hoping to make some friends along the way!


  • IdaL21
    IdaL21 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome back!! You can do this!! Nice way to hit the 30's
  • kriskrossness
    kriskrossness Posts: 152 Member
    Thank you! I can't think of a better birthday present haha. ^_^
  • shellscriptr
    shellscriptr Posts: 34 Member
    Hey- I'm also 5' 2" (almost) and looking to get down to about 150! I'm much less patient though, I would love to lose 50 lbs in a few months
  • PennyBrew
    PennyBrew Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Kriskrossness.
    I've also been using MFP on and off for a couple of years and am hoping to lose 50lbs by my 30th birthday, though I've only got until next April to reach that goal.
  • jswanson69
    jswanson69 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm at it again also. I lost 63 lbs last summer ans put 45 back on over the lazy winter! Trying to get back on track.
  • kriskrossness
    kriskrossness Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks for the replies! ^_^
    We can do this. I woke up feeling good this morning.
  • senennieves
    senennieves Posts: 106 Member
    Welcome back, and yes 55 lbs is very doable, i previously lost 60 lbs in 6 moths 18 months ago, lost my job went to a highly stressful and depressing time not knowing how to keep a roof over my familys head or putting food on the table, so i went back to eating garbage junk food, like pizza and friend chicken and burgers , because it was cheap, and i stopped exercising and i gained all back and then some, i have high blood pressure and take meds for it, but i am back on my plan just completed week 1 with more energy than i have ever had in the last 18 monthsand im at 320 lbs on a 5-9 frame , trying to get down to 200 lbs so i want to loose 130 lbs or so, so you can do this, we can do this, feel free to add me as a friend , i log on an post every day, take care.
  • fontes830
    fontes830 Posts: 58 Member
    Feel free to add me. :)
  • groetzinger659
    groetzinger659 Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome! yep I too am trying to dump the 45-50 lb I gained over the winter. what is it with winter?
    Feel free to add me :)
  • geemis01
    geemis01 Posts: 2 Member
    Hola! Know the feeling. I am back again too! I lost over a stone for my wedding, and I've put it all back on, plus a little more :(
    My boss told me on Thursday to go "buy a nice dress for work" little does she know I hate dresses and today I couldn't find any, and the sizes I was picking up were too tight.... Cringe!!!! So feeling crap, but determined to do it!!! Good luck chick xxx feel free to ever give me a shout xxx
  • mandyjane22202
    mandyjane22202 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi ! I to am in about the same boat. Sending out friend requests. :)
  • spaceytracey2000
    spaceytracey2000 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am looking for new friends as well to help keep me motivated!
  • smithbettina555
    smithbettina555 Posts: 5 Member
    Looking for new friends also..but need to learn how to add people..can anyone explain?? Please.
  • rabblescum
    rabblescum Posts: 78 Member
    I am in a similar boat. I lost 30lbs a few years back, then by not watching it found 15 of it. I am now working on that 15 and the 15 after it. And the 15 after ....well you get the drift. I am here for the slow and steady as well, I will add you.
  • Rnsmith1982
    Rnsmith1982 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5'2 and was up to 230 due to pcos but now down to 170 and have 30 more pounds to go.