Birth Control and Weight gain

Hey guys, Im thinking on going on birth control but i've lost weight with a lot of struggle and dont want to put it back on as ive heard birthcontrol makes u gain weight. I also have acne, and doctors say the bc will help with that- so Im really confused, anyone have experiences with birthcontrol related weight gain?


  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I gained probably 30 lbs while on a combination pill (Mircette) over 6 years. Then I lost 80 lbs over the last year and 2 months while still using it, just by counting calories. It doesn't cause you to gain fat, but it can cause temporary water weight gain and affect your appetite. If you give it a few months and are going crazy trying to control yourself, you might ask about a different formulation. Different kinds of hormonal bc affect women differently. There are lots of options out there.
  • ghimm
    ghimm Posts: 38 Member
    It depends on the birth control you use. I didn't have a problem with weight gain when I went on the pill. Talk to your doctor about your concerns and she can probably recommend something for you.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    My understanding is that some people gain weight when starting birth control because the hormones lead them to want to eat more -not because anything about birth control itself caused weight gain. If you log your foods and stay within your calorie goals each day, you shouldn't gain weight. As for acne, yes, a lot of doctors prescribe birth control to girls and women to help with acne. The effect is different for everyone though - I personally never had any reduction in acne on birth control, but my sisters face totally cleared up once she started birth control.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I can see how hormonal BC can "cause" weight gain since it affects your hormones and you might be hungrier. I've never had weight gain due to the pill or other hormonal BC.
  • melissafawnw
    melissafawnw Posts: 67 Member
    edited April 2016
    What others have said. It won't cause weight gain but the hormones may affect your appetite. Since you're in maintenance mode, you can log and make sure you stay on track. If you find you are hungry all the time, maybe it isn't the right pill for you. Are you considering going on it mostly for acne purposes or as contraceptive? I only ask because there are other great contraceptives on the market with lower (or no) hormone levels.
  • lisalewis7588
    lisalewis7588 Posts: 76 Member
    I was on the pill for years and never had a problem with weight gain. I was on both regular dosing and low dosing and neither caused me any troubles. It also cleared up my horrendous acne like a dream, as well as eliminated almost all of my PMS and long, painful periods.

    About a year ago I switched to the Mirena IUD at my doctor's recommendation and that was a mistake for me. It has been pretty much a year of constant PMS (which led to poor food choices which led to 10lb weight gain), plus ovarian cysts which rupture and take me out for a couple of days. Those side effects apparently happen to ~10% of women and I'm in the lucky bunch. I'm getting it out this week and going back on the pill, which worked much better for me!
  • melissafawnw
    melissafawnw Posts: 67 Member
    I was on the pill for years and never had a problem with weight gain. I was on both regular dosing and low dosing and neither caused me any troubles. It also cleared up my horrendous acne like a dream, as well as eliminated almost all of my PMS and long, painful periods.

    About a year ago I switched to the Mirena IUD at my doctor's recommendation and that was a mistake for me. It has been pretty much a year of constant PMS (which led to poor food choices which led to 10lb weight gain), plus ovarian cysts which rupture and take me out for a couple of days. Those side effects apparently happen to ~10% of women and I'm in the lucky bunch. I'm getting it out this week and going back on the pill, which worked much better for me!

    I'm so sorry you fell into that 10%. That sounds miserable! Mirena has been wonderful for me. I have "real" periods maybe twice a year, otherwise spotting once a month. I feel good, have less severe menstrual headaches, etc.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I would avoid implanting a Mirena, however. I've read here on MFP and elsewhere stories of fitness trainers gaining 60lbs over 5 years. With other forms it's usually temporary.
  • actualbettycrocker
    actualbettycrocker Posts: 195 Member
    When I got prescribed my b.c my doctor told me straight up not to worry about weight gain because she's had patients who said it caused it but it was just a combination of water retention and their appetite increased. You'll be fine if you just remember that.
  • alone_aqua
    alone_aqua Posts: 28 Member
    The sad truth is you will never know how the BC will effect you until you've tried it. No two women's bodies respond the same to the same birth control, and frankly, your own body will respond differently at different ages/phases of your life. I've gained while installing AND removing birth controls just because my body gains weight as a reaction to ANY hormonal change. As long as I do what I'm supposed to diet wise, my body will readjust back to normal over time. From what I've learned, the only BC that will almost GUARANTEE massive weight gain is the DEPO Shot (10-30 pounds); other types may cause gainsdepending on who you ask....However, if it's that important to you you may want to hold off. I personally removed all birth control from my body and will not go back on until I'm closer to my goal.
  • Sweetiepiestef
    Sweetiepiestef Posts: 344 Member
    I just recently got the depo shot like RECENTLY recently and so far No change in my appetite. I used to get the shot when I was 18 and I had no issues with it but then I got off, had two kids, and am back on it. Hoping to have the same luck with it. Good luck with your decision!
  • JenRainbow1
    JenRainbow1 Posts: 74 Member
    I don't think that is makes you put on weight. I think people blame the pill for their weight gain when it's just the age they are they put on weight. I think it might make you hungrier as mine did but I don't think it makes you put on weight, only food and no exercise does that
    it's only hormones and they dont make you put on weight do they

    Don't worry about it.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I have the same question and have been over this with a Dr just yesterday. I told her I want to be on something but I'm trying to lose weight. She told me that the shot you get every 3 months will 100% cause you to gain weight. She suggested an implant that they put INSIDE YOUR ARM if I didn't want to gain weight. No way am I doing that. I don't like the pill much because I'm really forgetful, but I'm not sure what my other options would be other than those.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    A copper IUD doesn't have any hormones so you don't have to worry about an increase in appetite. However, it won't help with acne.