Back again

Hi everyone,

I'm back again after about a 2 year hiatus. This hiatus did not work well for me and I have alot of work to do in terms of regaining my health. I experienced a heart attack almost 3 years ago and myfitnesspal was one of the tools that helped me lose weight and track my exercise goals. It has taken 2 years but I have regained all the weight I lost. My goals include lower my sugar consumption, increasing my daily exercise and eating more vegetables.


  • groetzinger659
    groetzinger659 Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome back! I am new too. 7 days in. I have been working out since the beginning of March or late Feb? And I need to focus on diet in order to see those numbers go down-BUT I also have been lifting heavier weights-so I have gained muscle=but still waiting for the fat to go byebye!

    The sugar is my biggest issue this time around with weight loss-those food companies sneak high fructose corn syrup in EVERYTHING so I am trying to eat more organic-complex carbs/veg/fruits and proteins...Welcome back!
  • jen331802016
    jen331802016 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Jen. Lost 82 lbs in 18 months on the HCG Diet a few years ago but gained it all back plus more as soon as I started eating normal again (normal as in not the extreme low cals of the diet) I was miserable, depressed and starving. I have decided no more diets, Just a lifestyle change and sticking to it forever this time. I have PCOS which causes weight gain etc.... so it's even harder for me. Add me as a friend, I have no idea how to use this app that good, lol.