Burning out

Been at this for a solid 9 weeks now. Tracking intake with mfp and working out in the gym 5 nights a week. I've had great losses, and gains in their respective places until about 2 weeks ago. I'm getting very busy at work going about 70 hours a week, and am just losing all motivation. I know this no change period is just a plateau, and I tell myself every night when I leave the gym, "I won" just because I showed up to excercise instead of sitting at home. My question is what are your all's tricks to break through the burn out and make things exciting again.


  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Try EatThisMuch.com if you want some meal ideas.

    My tricks are simple: look up what I eat and stick to about 400-500 calories for each meal. If I get a Subway sub, eat only 6 inches and save the rest for dinner. A big mac might not fit in my calories but a happy meal might (plus I get a cool toy for my daughters and I come home a hero). And no sugary juices or sodas.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Once you start thinking of your diet and exercise program as some sort of punishment instead of nourishment, are you really doing it at all? It sounds like you need to try something different but you have no time to do it. This fitness thing is not a temporary state of life, if you want to maintain your accomplishments this is going to be forever. Little changes that make a big impact... new workout music. A new vegetable cooked 3 different ways. A visit to the accupuncturist. Your ultimate gift to yourself is time.
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    Change it up. The weather is getting nicer, skip the gym one day and go for a walk or a bike ride. Or simply indulge a bit. I had a Starbucks brownie and a latte Sunday and still was under my calorie goal. That was nearly 700 calories!
  • tessalynn37
    tessalynn37 Posts: 76 Member
    I completely relate to your post. I'm on my 4th week of a very strict keto diet and I'm feeling punished by it. With my metabolism the keto diet is the only thing that helps me so I can't change that at the moment. Started exercising this week and I have to force myself. I just don't want to do it anymore. But I have to... so I do because I'm more miserable carrying this extra weight.
    Idk if it's the diet or personal stuff I've gone through this week, but I really need to snap out of it and get my mind back in a positive place about my weight loss goals. Good luck to you. I hope you can find the motivation you need too. :)
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I only do workouts I like. I walk every day, listen to music/podcasts/audio books as my reward while I am out walking.

    Also I find it helps not to cut calories too much, that will make me grumpy and make me feel mentally deprived even if I am not hungry. 2 lbs/week isn't worth it if I can't stick with it for very long. And I still eat whatever I want, just within calories. So still plenty of fast food, because that's not something I plan to eliminate for the rest of my life. Just eat less, fit it within my calories, save calories sometimes so I can have a fast food meal.