What keeps you motivated during a run?



  • sarahpedrys
    sarahpedrys Posts: 16 Member
    I have Netflix on my tablet. I watch a new episode of a TV show that I like while I run for a half hour. It's nice if you have a machine that you could set a tablet on. I got my elliptical off of a garage sale site on fb for $100. There are great deals out there :smiley:
  • spankmonkeycfc
    spankmonkeycfc Posts: 40 Member
    TxGlenn251 wrote: »
    Mapmyfitness timing my run and listening to Metallica.

    Nothing else matters!!!
  • Runningforafew
    Runningforafew Posts: 28 Member
    Music -- pretty scenery and a solid will to keep on going. Ignore that voice in your head that says give up! (Unless you're risking injury by continuing on)