Literally my LIFE or DEATH situation

veeraedub Posts: 1 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
28 years old.

7 years ago I had a colostomy due to my weight and years of not taking care of myself.

I had the colostomy reversal because I'm pretty sure my surgeon felt pitty and wanted me to live out my life without the bag and try to motivate me to never have it happen again.

I'm now fed up with myself.
Since surgery I've developed incisional hernias in my abdomen.

I MUST loose 100 lbs asap before we can operate, but it's race against the clock in my head

This is my last chance to shed this weight.

Yesterday I thought what my funeral would be like and that was my last straw.

I should be thinking about what my wedding will look like , because I haven't experienced that yet.
I should be thinking about the 9 months of pregnancy and birth of my first child, because I have also yet to experience that.

Day 1. Of my weightloss journey.


  • senennieves
    senennieves Posts: 106 Member
    day 1 begins with your first step, take a deep breath and smile because God has your back, you can do this, and theirs plenty of people here for you to support you and advice, need friend , feel free to add me, God bless
  • JoCJo2016
    JoCJo2016 Posts: 9 Member
    Best of luck! Week one in and I am minus 6lbs. Feel free to add me. Overall aim is to lose 82lbs, so 76lbs left!
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Very best wishes. Please try not to cross all your bridges at once. I hope you are getting the best advice from your medical professionals. Some people find counselling around their relationship with food is helpful. Each lb you manage to loose is a lb closer to where you need/want to be. I found it helps to think this is not just about weight it is about finding health. Make changes as you can cope with them, logging may be enough for this week. I'm here if you like.

    Day 1, start to log everything you eat. Even if today turns out not to go exactly as you want you will begin to build up a picture of what you are doing. Logging will help identify your weak spots and help you be objective. Weighing food is more precise than measures, some foods will pack in or others like peanut butter for example cling all round the spoon. Don't worry if you don't have gram scales today aim to have some.

    You will get there.
  • meredithwoodall91
    meredithwoodall91 Posts: 1 Member
    Stay positive! Weght loss is hard and there are days that is SUCKS, but the way you will feel even after just five pounds will totally trump the sweat and discomfort you may have in the beginning. Look up DDP Yoga. I just started it myself, but some of the success stories are mind blowing and motivating. Hang in there! It gets easier. My life motto is, "stay positive until you have no reason left to" and let me tell you, every breath is a reason to stay positive. Good luck and feel free to add me :-)
  • madelinecamille
    madelinecamille Posts: 1,131 Member
    You can do this! Stay positive and take it one day at a time. We're all here to support you :). Feel free to add me if you need a friend on here.