Any Personal Training Success Stories?

Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
edited September 29 in Success Stories
I am thinking that the right thing for me after all this time on MFP is that i need a personal trainer. I work at a gym and i have in mind a personal trainer that i could work with. Any success stories for people who have personal trainers? thanks! :wink:


  • Honestly...I dont need a personal trainer telling me what to do, I KNOW what i need to do! I have to say that I am very glad that I have joined MFP, it has helped me alot, and the motivation and encouragement i get from the ones on here just makes me want to work harder. I honestly dont think i could have done it if i hadnt found this site. Sorry i couldnt be of help to you on what you need, but hey..good luck anyway :)
  • mellimeter
    mellimeter Posts: 102 Member
    I've been working with a personal trainer for just shy of a year now, and it truly is a motivating way to stay on track. My trainer keeps me accountable, teaches me new moves and routines which keeps me from being stagnant, and gives me words of encouragement or a push when needed. In the past I've belonged to gyms, but it was easy for me to make excuses to skip a day. . .with my trainer, I know I have to show up!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I loved working with my trainer. I thought it made a huge difference in my running and overall fitness. Most of all, it was another person that GOT what I was trying to accomplish and worked really hard to help me make that was kind of funny really cause I'd be thrilled with the month's results but he'd be all "It could've been better"...and kind of go into a funky pout cause he thought he had failed me somehow. Hmmm...OK, maybe he wasn't the average trainer, but get the picture.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    When I first started getting serious about weight loss about 2 years ago, I bought 6 sessions with a personal trainer. For someone who had never been to the gym before, she helped me a lot. At the time I needed the guidance and it gave me a lot of confidence to start working out at the gym alone.

    If I could afford it now, I would definitely start working with her again!
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I loved my personal trainer, I worked with her for a year and sadly she is returning to college to get her degree. I wish her the best. I loved having a trainer. She taught me a ton . . . was there to answer questions and give me other advice. Mostly she taught me how intense my workouts should be, she set up workouts that at the beginning I thought there was no way I could get through, but I did! Now that I am working on my own I know how hard to push it, I know I can set my goals high and work towards them. I know I can be sore the next morning and I will make it will feel good. Stats wise . . . I started with her last August. I was 225 lbs and 45% body fat. I had two babies in less than two years and had fallen out of ANY sort of exercise or healthy eating routine. It took until about January before I really caught on . . . at that point I had dropped 10% body fat but very little weight. I started paying attention to nutrition at that point and since Feb I have lost about 20lb and another 10 % body fat ( I am at about 26% now I think). I would encourage you to work with one if it is something you can afford . . .especially if you know one that you think you would work well with!

    Here is the link to my thread with pictures . . .

    Good luck!
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    I love my personal trainer. He encourages and motivates me. He has taught me how to work more effectively on my workouts. I use to get bored at the gym but he taught me how to make wgt training challenging and fun. I was in a plateau for 3 years and he helped get over it by going over my workouts and diet. If it wasn't for him, I don't think I would be enjoying workouts as much as I do now
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I have a personal trainer that I have been seeing since January and will probably renew with again in September once my sessions are up.

    Since January, I have dropped 20 pounds, one pants/dress size, gained muscle and a lot more stamina. When I first started with him, I felt like I was dying. I felt like there was no way that I would ever get through these workouts and that he was nuts for having me do that much so early. Then as I started getting stronger, I realized that I can do this.

    The thing that I like most about my trainer is how supportive he is. Never once has he made me feel stupid or made me feel like I'm not important. When I'm with him it's all about me and what I'm doing and what's going on in my life. He really tries to get to know me and understand where I'm coming from. That to me is the best part... I don't think I'd trust him as much as do and gotten as far as I have if it wasn't for that factor.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Yeah, Like i know how to workout, but i think i might be forgetful to how long i need to workout for and what exactly i should be doing. i wanna start loosing weight and i hope personal trainers can get me there. i want to loose about 70 pounds now, i know i can do it. i just need this trainer to unlock the beast that i know is within me.
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I found it very helpful to have one..I had someone to push me..I did things that I pretty much had myself convinced that I was not capable of doing-he proved otherwise. It was also helped me doing exercises correctly and learning some new things. I saw results and now have some knowledge to do things on my own!
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    I have a knee injury, and I have an athletic therapist who is helping to rehabilitate safely. A very important part of my rehab is weight loss, and my weekly appointment with him keeps me accountable and focused. Well worth the investment!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I love, love, love my personal trainer. I have to bring my food log and she reviews and critiques what i eat. Knowing she is going to see what i eat makes me think twice. She makes a schedule. She also teaches all the classes i take at the gym and I train once a week. She is available for support and it keeps me accountable. I also love the strength training we do because prior to her i did not know the importance of this and was doing all cardio. Give it a try.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    I love, love, love my personal trainer. I have to bring my food log and she reviews and critiques what i eat. Knowing she is going to see what i eat makes me think twice. She makes a schedule. She also teaches all the classes i take at the gym and I train once a week. She is available for support and it keeps me accountable. I also love the strength training we do because prior to her i did not know the importance of this and was doing all cardio. Give it a try.

    did you lose all your weight from a Personal trainer?
  • TanajaP
    TanajaP Posts: 57 Member
    i love my personal trainer.. but i have to cause he's my husband. =) lol

    i know i'm fully capable of doing it without him but i like to do it with him. anytime i get stuck and don't know what to do he pulls out another tough routine and gets me going again. he's a big motivator to me in this journey. him + mfp = easy success =)
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I love, love, love my personal trainer. I have to bring my food log and she reviews and critiques what i eat. Knowing she is going to see what i eat makes me think twice. She makes a schedule. She also teaches all the classes i take at the gym and I train once a week. She is available for support and it keeps me accountable. I also love the strength training we do because prior to her i did not know the importance of this and was doing all cardio. Give it a try.

    did you lose all your weight from a Personal trainer?

    With Erica, 16 pounds, 35 on my own..and still going with her :)
  • When I got serious about losing weight I joined a gym and on the same day hired a personal trainer. My reasoning at the time was that I was starting out with a clean sheet of paper on many levels so we must as well do it up proper! In a very professional way he pushed me to do the stuff that I didn't want to do and had avoided doing in the past. Oh, I knew how to get sweaty but tended to stick with the stuff I was comfortable with and he made me work on the things that needed to be done.

    My experience was the personal trainer was time and money well spent. Just as MFP taught me how to eat, the personal trainer taught me how to excercise better.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    I have been using a trainer off and on for years.

    I feel like a success story.

    THE MOST important thing to look for in a PT is the answer to the question "Does he/she actually care?"
    THE NEXT MOST important thing to check "Who are his/her clients? And are they happy?"
    Answer these to find the best PT.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I love my trainer. I started using her at the same time I joined MFP. I have lost all my weight while working with her. I really think at some point if I didn't have her I would have stopped going to the gym. There was once last year when I was sick for about a week and then on vacation the next week. If I didn't have sessions scheduled with her I probably wouldn't have gone back to the gym. Also she keeps me on track with strength training which I know I would do half @$$ with out her. It is the best money I have spent.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I also love my trainer and don't think I would be this far without him. I joined the gym last June and did some things on my own after an introduction from a trainer. Then in January, I decided to make a change and hired a trainer. He had me face some unpleasant truths but has been with me every step of the way. I have learned the proper way to exercise, tried new exercises and have done more than I ever thought possible. I train with him twice a week for one hour. He does push me to achieve harder and gets on my case when I am not working hard enough. On my own I lost about 8 pounds, but with a trainer I have lost 41 pounds in six months. The nice thing is he is always willing to listen to me vent if needed or to encourage via text when needed.
  • mekaihau
    mekaihau Posts: 4 Member
    A personal trainer has been successful for me. He holds me accountable for my weekly weigh in. It is expensive, but I know that I need to continue with it because I am getting results. What I do is, I meet with my trainer 2-3 times a week. The days that I'm not with him I just repeat what we did during our sessions or alot of cardio.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    I think it is worth it only if you find a GOOD trainer. They are few and far between. Don't be afraid to interview them and ask about their qualifications, experience, areas of specialties, style of working with clients, etc. Then, make a decision after a couple of sessions. Don't feel bad about hurting their feelings if you need to discontinue and try another trainer if you are just not benefiting/enjoying sessions with them. Always feel comfortable about asking questions and if something doesn't feel right.. say something! Don't be intimidated, thinking they are the expert. They should push you beyond your comfort zone, but in a safe manner.

    I also used to think I knew everything and didn't need a trainer to tell me what to do (I have a history of team athletics, marathons, triathlons, etc. I also used to work at a gym and was taught by my colleagues proper free weights, etc.) HOWEVER, a good trainer pushes you harder than you would push yourself (and also will do interval sessions with you, if that supports your goals), keeps you steady with your workouts, keeps your workouts varied and also helps you maximize what you can safely do if you have some acute or chronic injuries.

    Strength training is key to your fitness and weight goals, so it's important to do whatever it takes to make it happen. A personal trainer is certainly an investment, but anything that contributes significantly to your health and well being is worth it in my opinion.... if the average American would look at what they spend on cable, internet/data services, movies, coffee, eating out, etc. there is usually room to shift budget around to better support your priorities.

    (and yes, I do work out with a personal trainer .... BUT keep in mind that weight loss is 80%+ nutrition - they can't lose the weight for you! :happy: )
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