im starving!

since i started on MFP i have been viewing food totally different, most of the time i refuse to eat. i have gotten into a "1 meal a day" thing. lately when i go to eat something it makes me queezy because i know i food has made me look and feel the way i do, so im avoiding it. im hungry but i refuse to eat, if i eat one thing i want to keep going. i snack on crunchy nut bars but not too many since it has a chocolate bottom. and im having dinner, or afternoon meals to keep the fat girl inside me quiet. Is it wrong to feel guilty when you eat? even if you are no where near your calorie intake for the day? It's starting to scare me, the way i have started to obsess over food. i keep telling myself its bad but in the other corner im telling myself its a good thing, or i'll be fat forever.
At the moment im having a guilt trip, i went out last night and in my drunken state i got a kebab.. worst idea ever, and im thinking to myself " i ate that at 4am.. so that means its part of my calories for today, and im not eating to make up for the kebab"

On another note, is there any ladies out there who suffer from PCOS? if there is could you please comment/inbox me on how dieting affected your PCOS.


  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Not eating isn't the answer. Our bodies need fuel constantly throughout the day. Instead of getting just a meal here or there with a high fat/high calorie/high sodium food... start incorporating healthier choices. There is no reason why you can't have breakfast, lunch, dinner and 3 snacks to keep you full. Losing weight will only come when you make up your mind to stop eating junk. It's hard at first, but it really does get easier. You will feel more energetic and you'll realize that eating more really does mean losing more. Hang in there! Don't give up.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Good heavens, EAT! You should be having 3 meals a day and up to 3 snacks a day. Especially if you have PCOS. You should never be starving. That means you aren't feeding your body and soon enough it's going to take you up on those signals and ruin your metabolism. That's the last thing you want to do. Yes, it is wrong to feel guilty when you eat and very unhealthy. The attitude screams eating disorder and I would strongly suggest you visit a psychologist pronto.

    Food is our fuel. We need it to survive. We need it to feel good, we need it to be healthy. You're going through a binge starvation cycle and that is not good. Get help.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I keep my food diary open to MFP friends. Maybe this will help give you ideas on what to eat. I am not a health food nut. I like good substantial meals. I'm not very fond of water, but I drink it. I could easily go without fruits and vegetables, but I know what they are doing for my health. Make today a brand new start! Forget about yesterday and the days before that. Start your new journey now. :)
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    I understand your feelings, but in short, not eating is actually going to prevent you from losing any weight (and probably even cause you to gain). I have A LOT that I could write here- message me if you would like!
  • jolenna
    jolenna Posts: 5 Member
    Bjohs is right. Not eating isn't the answer. In fact it keeps you from losing weight because your body goes into "starvation mode" and hangs onto every calorie it gets. You need to eat sensibly. Don't obsess, be aware. You need to eat regularly. Be careful that you don't develop a different eating problem. You shouldn't feel guilt because of eating, especially if you're below you're calories for the day. This website is set up to help you lose the weight sensibly. It really helps and works but you'll have to use it.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Please understand that you should not feel ashamed of eating and that is okay to eat. You just need to make the right choices and eat the right foods. This website already has built in calorie deficit that you should eat the total number of calories allotted. In addition, if you exercise then you need to eat those calories back. I will attach the link to the forum that explains how this works better than I can. It is from Ladyhawk.

    As for your attitude towards eating, please talk to your doctor about it and have him point you in the right direction for help and support. STARVING yourself is not the answer. You need to eat real food- chicken, lean meats, proteins, fruits and veggies.

    I don't know how much weight you want to lose but there is a great group for people who need to lose over 100 pounds and several of those people have the condition to which you were referring. They are very supportive.

    Link about starvation mode:
    Personal view on underfeeding:
    MFP Basics Important please read!!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Kayla, I just looked at your diary and your need to eat some real food. This is what I had today if you need some suggestions and I still have calories left. You are going to make yourself sick. No wonder you are starving.

    Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Chol
    Sugars - Granulated (sucrose), 1 tsp 16 4 0 0 0 0
    Milk - Reduced fat, 2% milkfat, 1 fl oz 15 1 1 1 13 2
    Coffee - Black, 10 fl oz 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Mister Mustard - Hot Mustard, 1 tsp 5 1 0 0 80 0
    Butterball - Turkey Breast Whole Roasted, 1 oz 28 0 1 5 125 11
    Pepperidge Farm - Light Style 7 Grain Bread, 2 slice 90 18 0 4 180 0
    Dietz and Watson - Cheddar With Horseradish Cheese Slice, 1 Slice 110 1 9 6 270 30

    Orville Redenbacher's - Popcorn, Smartpop, , 0.5 bg 130 24 2 4 160 0
    Generic - Strawberries Frozen 1/2 Cup, 100 g 25 8 0 1 1 0
    Fresh Fruit - Cantalope, 0.5 cup cubed 27 7 0 1 13 0

    Pepperidge Farm - Light Style 7 Grain Bread, 2 slice 90 18 0 4 180 0
    Cheese - Swiss Sargento Reduced Fat Slices, 1 slice 60 1 4 7 30 15
    Kroger - Frozen Green Pepper and Onion Blend, 0.25 cup 6 1 0 0 3 0
    Hunts - Ketsup, 0.5 TBSP (27g ) 10 2 0 0 95 0
    Jennie O - 1/4 lb Turkey Burger - Original With Flavoring, 8 oz/112g 340 0 24 32 320 200
    Getyouraaron - Hellman's Light Mayonnaise, 0.5 tbsp 18 1 2 0 63 2
    Albertsons - Sweet Relish, 0.5 Tbsp 8 2 0 0 53 0

    La Bandarita - Whole Wheat Soft Taco Low Carb Low Fat, 1 tortilla 81 11 2 5 275 0
    All Whites - 100 % Liquid Egg Whites, 1/2 cup (63 gm) 60 2 0 12 190 0
    Kroger - Frozen Green Pepper and Onion Blend, 0.25 cup 6 1 0 0 3 0
    Del Taco - Hot Sauce, 1 packet (28g) 5 1 0 0 80 0
    Fry Light - Better Than Butter - Butter Flavour Spray Oil, 1 spray 1 0 0 0 0 0

    Orville Redenbacher's - Popcorn, Smartpop, , 1 bg 260 48 4 8 320 0

    Totals 1,391 152 49 90 2,454 260
    Your Daily Goal 1,569 195 43 97 2,500 300
    Remaining 178 43 -6 7 46 40
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Chol
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    PCOS means your hormones are already messed up. If you eat regular, healthy meals it will help. Are you taking Glucophge, because missing meals while taking that for your PCOS will make you feel really lousy. If you're feeling so turned off by food because of guilt, shame or whatever--those are the issues you need to del with. Losing weight because you're avoiding the food because of the same emotional issues that caused you eat in the first place won't help. You're going to burn out and start the cycle all over again. It's ok to eat, even if it's small frequent meals. A trip to you doctor to make sure nothing else is going on? Maybe counseling??
  • PaulaJKelly
    Take a deep breath. Forgive yourself. Move on.... there!

    Tomorrow is another day. I am sorry that I don't know what PCOS so I can't advise on that. I did look it up and it seems as though you really need to work with your doctor. Here is what I am going to recommend.

    Quit eating the bars you mentioned; they aren't helping you. Sugary things are not your friend.

    You want to have a minimum of 8 glasses (8 oz each) of water each day. It is better if you can get 10 to 12 glasses (8 oz each) per day. Yes it seems like a lot but your body does adapt and you actually want more water. That will help with part of the hungry feelings. Secondly, you need to eat good quality food. You need lean protein - baked chicken breasts without the skin when you are cooking or eating it, lower fat cottage cheese - check with your doctor - I have quite a bit of protein each day 100 grams or milligrams - sorry I can't remember how it charts on this site. You need to have salad and colorful vegetables. Limit your fruits probably because of the sugar. There are lower calorie yogurts out there with less sugar - you can find them.

    "Own" whatever you eat. Document, document, document whatever you are eating so that you can figure out if there are times in the day that trip you up, emotional eating, boredom, etc. Then you can go for a walk when that happens or drink a glass of water, wait a little while. it will probably pass. If you "mess up" sometime in the day, document it, and move on. Don't say forget it and just go eat whatever you want. You can salvage the rest of the day.

    It will get better. It isn't the eating that is causing you to stumble. It is the fear of eating that is hurting you. There are a lot of good for you foods that you can be eating. You can get pass this place and feel so, so much better.

    Good luck in your journey
  • kimberc
    kimberc Posts: 7
    You won't make progress by NOT eating. You sound like you are suffering under a tremendous amount of guilt. And we all have been there! I am 47 and I have struggled back and forth for years,but am finally settling in to a way of eating that is working for me. And I am consistently exercising. MFP helps a lot. It helps me to know how much I should be eating and encourages me to exercise. Feel free to friend me and view my food diary, if you think it might help you. I am trying to build muscle (or at least quit losing it) so I try to eat plenty of protein. I eat whatever I want one day per week - it can take a couple of days for the water weight to leave after that, so I have to remember not to panic! But so far (about a month) it is working for me. So if I feel I just have to have ...whatever (chocolate, bread and butter!) then I tell myself I can have it Saturday - or whichever day I have designated as a cheat day. This is supposed to keep my metabolism from downshifting (as in, if you don't eat enough calories, your metabolism slows down because it thinks your body is will hang on to the fat!) Protein will keep your carb cravings under control. Please feed yourself and consult a professional.
  • bkennedy1612
    You have to eat in order to lost weight. I know that it sounds like such a silly contradiction, but it is true. Looking at your diary you aren't eating anywhere near a safe amount of calories. You should be eating at the VERY minimum 1200 calories, if not a few hundred more, and working out will jump start your metabolism so that eating some of the foods you want is okay!

    Don't ever feel guilty for eating what you wanted to eat, and if you do, accept it and try your best to move past that and keep pushing through. I have been in your shoes before, and it is not at all where I want my life to go back to.

    If you want to add me please feel free! I'm always willing to give a word of motivation.

    Best of luck.