Tired and failed. Now to try again.

This was me last year. I attempted to lose weight and was doing a good job at it, as you can tell in the picture. Sadly, I look like the guy on the left again. I fell off the wagon and went back to old habits. I quit so easily. It makes me sick to think about it and definitely when I look at this picture. I would have made so much progress by now if I had stuck to it.

Alas, though I am at the beginning again. With a long road ahead of me. It is difficult staying motivated when I have that nagging thought in the back of my mind that I will not succeed. One thing I did last year was to vlog my journey. Might do that again.

Anyway, here is to starting again.



  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    I like the goatee.
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    You can do it!! Sometimes it takes several do-overs to get it right. The best of us have lost and gained and lost again! You've got this! I'm 56 lbs in to 100 and suffer from binge eating disorder. If I can do it and keep at it, so can you!
  • alltheweigh170
    alltheweigh170 Posts: 287 Member
    In the same boat as you my friend. It is getting harder and harder to stay motivated when you derail so many times. So many people have done this, so can we! Good luck!
  • MissyAZjourney
    MissyAZjourney Posts: 96 Member
    I heard a motivational speaker that rocked my world the other day...because I felt the same way for over 20 years. He said, if you haven't reached your goals, if you aren't living your dreams then you are viewing the sacrifices that are necessary to attain it as obstacles...not opportunities.

    When I hear people say it's all in your head or it's a mindset I always felt like this was just blah blah rah rah talk. maybe this wont resonate with you but it impacted me alot and flipped a switch so i thought i would share.

    never quit. never give up. and truly view every failure as an opportunity to learn something new about yourself and how you manage challenges.

    Best wishes to you on your journey
  • linde08
    linde08 Posts: 4 Member
    You see yourself as starting over, but I bet you have learned a lot from your previous journey. I am a about 25 pounds in (since last July). Over the winter, I lost very little, but I really paid attention. I developed strategies to substitute for comfort foods, like instant steel cut oatmeal cooked in the micro with cut up apples. It became my apple crisp. Keep up that blogging and when you crave something, ask others for alternatives. When I really want ice cream, I have gotten used to a smaller serving. But I don't go without, because if I do, I will eat everything trying to satisfy that craving. Eat a little of what you crave and move on. I don't diet anymore, just change my lifestyle and count the calories. I'm down 25 and that's good and if this time next year, I am down 40, even better. Don't try to race to the finish line, just become a better you. Good luck.
  • dkginger
    dkginger Posts: 167 Member
    I had been overweight for a very long time. In 2011 I had a series of all 3 of my kids planning weddings. I lost 65 pounds and reached my goal in June 2012. Kept it off for 2 years. Then in early 2014 my husband got very sick and is still not well. The stress of being a caregiver, business owner, sole wage earner, keeping my house, many many trips out of town to specialists finally took its toll. I have gained back every ounce. I just started yesterday at only one pound less than my original starting weight. I did it before I can do it again and so can you. Want to keep in touch as friends and stay on track with me?