...the dreaded bat wings

I've lost almost 115lbs now (on my own, yay!) and am starting to see the signs of drooping flabby underarms. Is there anything I can do myself to try and reverse and prevent any further issues? I hate to come off as rude, but please only people who have had this issue or without any doubt knows something that works. I know there's things posted online but you have mixed reviews on everything. Thanks! :smile:


  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I'm afraid my bat wings aren't going anywhere.

    However, my legs are looking pretty hot, so I'm focusing on that.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited April 2016
    I hate to say this but there is no product that will help with lose skin. You can do strength training that will help. I have the same issue lost 120 pounds and 46 yrs old, you are younger so you may not have it as bad, but it can take to 2-3 years time (after weight loss) for your skin to come back. Mine is not so bad now, but it will probably never be 100%.
  • nomorefatgirl78
    nomorefatgirl78 Posts: 61 Member
    that's what im afraid of... im guessing the only possible way to get rid of them is surgery. i do have somebody who swears that the weight ball (elbows in, over the head raises) will work. i was just curious if maybe someone on here has 'repaired' theirs themselves.
  • stevensx2
    stevensx2 Posts: 5 Member
    I asked the trainer at my gym and he said kickbacks help. Youtube has videos how to do with weights. Hope he is right otherwise I am wasting my time! :'(
  • nomorefatgirl78
    nomorefatgirl78 Posts: 61 Member
    heading over to youtube now. that's what i was hoping to hear, some free trainer advice! haha ;)
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I've always had bat wings, I've been super jealous of overweight people who don't have floppy flabby, which sounds gross, but it's true. There's no way to spot reduce fat, you have to get rid of the fat. As much as I enjoy weights, they help tone your arms if there is loose skin, but not fat. You also get to make sure you retain muscle as you lose weight. :smiley:
  • nomorefatgirl78
    nomorefatgirl78 Posts: 61 Member
    edited April 2016
    girl, ive even contemplated trying the saran wrap thing to see if it'll work but ive read all it does is take off some water weight for a day or so and comes right back. i youtubed the kickback exercise, here's the link i watched if anyone's interested. he's a little easy on the eyes too, just saying... https://youtu.be/m9me06UBPKc
  • supadaverun
    supadaverun Posts: 8 Member
    Unfortunately only 2 things. Surgery and strength training. Men inherently have more muscle mass so we are able to hide it much easier. I've lost 150lbs so I'm there with you but more muscles = less noticeable. I started swimming about 3 years ago 3 x a week and I was surprised by just how much better my arms look. I don't lift weights. My shoulders have got larger and more tone. That uplifting of skin by the shoulders and trapezius have pulled the skin up. My shoulders look great but there is still the loose skin underneath but just not as bad. That help?
  • nomorefatgirl78
    nomorefatgirl78 Posts: 61 Member
    OH! and by the way, im well aware that ill be getting the ugly saggy skin on my stomach too. NOT looking forward to that at ALL.... the only thing keeping me sane about all this is the fact that i lost a lot of weight on my own through hard work and hope to see the "scars" as a reminder of what i went through and where i do not want to end back up.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Anything that works the arms will help but only to a degree. With that amount of weight lost there will be no magic bullet unfortunately.
  • nomorefatgirl78
    nomorefatgirl78 Posts: 61 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Anything that works the arms will help but only to a degree. With that amount of weight lost there will be no magic bullet unfortunately.

    What scares me the most is that I'm about 10lbs away from only half of what I want to lose. I'm starting to realize that I need to step up the strength training that someone mentioned and just at a loss at where to start. But thanks guys! :)
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    I'm starting to realize that I need to step up the strength training that someone mentioned and just at a loss at where to start.

    Follow any of the programs frequently mentioned here, like NROL4W or Stronglifts, or at least Fitness Blender with dumbbells. Full-body workouts are best. Targeting your loose areas extra won't do much. :+1:
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    There's a pretty cool video on youtube by a guy that lost a ton of weight and had tons of loose skin afterwards and wanted to show the affect of massive weight gain and loss and also to keep people from getting discouraged about losing the weight just to avoid having the loose skin. It's kind of motivational. Unfortunately, the only thing that's going to get rid of it after the loss is either surgery or to bulk back up with muscle to pull the skin in tighter. The excess skin will bounce back some over a long time but once you have a lot there, there is no mechanism to get rid of it, the body doesn't break down excess skin cells.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Only thing I know of is surgery.
  • ahealthiercara
    ahealthiercara Posts: 139 Member
    I've lost 75 from my highest weight and I've got the batwings. I've started to do strength training and my muscles are getting toned. It's kind of making the skin even more obviously saggy.I'm ok with it though, it's a badge of honor that I've come so far.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    edited April 2016
    that's what im afraid of... im guessing the only possible way to get rid of them is surgery. i do have somebody who swears that the weight ball (elbows in, over the head raises) will work. i was just curious if maybe someone on here has 'repaired' theirs themselves.

    That is correct. Strength training will certainly not hurt, but it's not going to bulk up your triceps to the degree that all that extra skin is tightened. It's been stretched out, and it won't ever go back to what it was. Sucks I know, but our bodies can only do so much. :) That said, you are far better off without all that fat, and just having the loose skin left over. You should be very proud, and congratulations to you!
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    Congrats on your loss! I've lost a lot too and I'm determined not to have flappy arms. I think I'm fortunate in that I didn't carry my weight in certain places, arms being one of them. I'm doing a lot of weight lifting focusing on the arms a bit more. Good luck!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Sadly, my experience does not point to success. I've lost 60 lbs from my highest, and my primary form of exercise is swimming (HARD swimming. . .), which is usually recommended as a good exercise for upper arms. I have rock-hard biceps. . .and batwings underneath.
  • VanderTuig1976
    VanderTuig1976 Posts: 145 Member
    Strength training may help but it may not get rid of them entirely. I didn't lose as much as you but after having four kids, the skin on my stomach is feathery and droops. At one point, I had visible abs but I still had droopy skin. Best advice I can give is to accept it, continue to take steps to improve (strength train and possibly cut more fat), and appreciate the body you have.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    A little-or a lot-of excess skin and flab is NOTHING compared to how awesome I feel today on my 61st birthday, having lost 138 so far, and ran for 30 min this morning, more than I've run on all my other birthdays combined! It's all a matter of perspective.