given up hope already!

A couple if days ago I weighed myself after doing two weeks of eating healthily and excercising 5 times a week.turns out i hadnt lost any weight and I gave up. I pigged out for the next two days and I have now put on 2 more pounds! I feel awful and need some motivation!


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Sometimes even when you think you are eating healthy, you are eating too many calories. Alternately, on some of the days ni your diary it looks like you might not be eating ENOUGH? I haven't had this personally because i'm really overweight but if you are already a semi-healthy BMI you might be putting your body in starvation mode if you don't eat enough.
  • faythelg
    faythelg Posts: 12
    Please don't give up this is a long hard road and a lifestyle change. I have had the weeks where I felt like I did awesome and the scales said different. Keep working at it. Maybe you are not eating enough and your body is storing everything you eat. Just don't give up!
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    Weight loss is a slow, sometimes very slow process at first. You body doesn't know what is going on and at time will be a bit stubborn on the scale. Plus, if you are exercising, you are building lean muscle which will look like you are not losing any weight. Be patient, your body will soon give in and the lbs will start to come for "pigging out," we all fall off the wagon. You just have to dust yourself off and continue ahead. I just posted this quote on my profile, "Things don't always go as we may plan them to.. the key is to learn to adapt & keep moving forward." I think that pertains to you. Keep your heads up...
  • maxinethestrange
    you cant give up after a few weeks it doesnt just change right away its possible that u havent been eatting as much as u need and your body might have gone into stavation mode. I have done that time and time again and it never helps just keep going maybe stay away from the scales for a bit and just notice the difference in the way you feel working out 5 times a week you will soon be feeling awesome have more energy and be happier
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    You claim to be eating healthy and exercising. That's great! But if you aren't creating a calorie deficit you won't lose weight. You must burn more calories than you consume. It's that simple. Read the link in my signature "a guide to calorie deficits." Good luck.
  • MissJoy18
    MissJoy18 Posts: 45
    Yes, you stumbled. At least you caught yourself before you continued eating poorly on day 3, 4, 5, etc. Now learn from your mistake and continue forward by eating right and exercising. You can do it! :happy:
  • DropITpj
    DropITpj Posts: 14
    DONT GIVE UP ! -- think about how GOOD you can feel about yourself if you just keep pushing!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    It sounds like you already got the motivation you need... pigging out = weight gain.

    If you continue to eat healthy, exercise, and create a calorie deficit (which this site makes painfully simple to understand) then you have 100% chance at losing weight, improving your inner health, and improving your outer appearance.

    If you quit- you have 100% chance of not succeeding.

    How bad do you want it? No one else can do it for you- you have to do it yourself. Get going!