I've been doing well on my weight loss for the past two years. I took a slow gradual approach and lost 54 pounds... but it's been a huge struggle for the past 5 months. Now I'm hungrier than I've ever been in my life and although I manage to control myself during the day, when I get home from work, I go crazy and go on an eating binge. The scale says I've gained 8 pounds in 3 weeks and I'm afraid if I don't get a handle on this, I'll soon be back to where I started.

Has this ever happened to you? And what did you do to stop it and continue losing? (I have 50 pounds to go.) Please leave a comment. I need help badly!


  • Ckeymom
    Ckeymom Posts: 30 Member
    I think the most important thing is to get control of your hunger. How much protein do you consume? Do you use protein powder? That's what gets me through the day.
  • leaj1984
    leaj1984 Posts: 23 Member
    do you eat enough fats and protein? there are just days when we are hungrier than others... if you are that hungry, just eat. but trying sticking to low-calorie snacks. don't let it turn into a binge. i think the problem is the binge-eating -- not the hunger.
    tackle the bingeing first, then be honest about how hungry you truly are and what would be a sensible thing to do about it given your goals.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    protein is a good idea. my suggestion would be to stop starving yourself during the day, that may be leading to the binge at night. Fill your day with low calories foods. eat apples, snack on carrots, red peppers. you could eat carrots and red peppers all day and not suffer too much. I doubt very much you've gain 8 pounds of actual weight. When you get home and feel the need to binge go for a walk.

    you're fine. 8 pounds is nothing to turn around.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    So, get a handle on it. Your choice is get back on the wagon or fall off and gain your weight back. Which will it be? B)
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    It isn't always as easy to "get a handle on it" for some as it is for others, especially someone who binges. Try to find different foods that you enjoy that will fill you. Don't deprive yourself. Don't keep the foods that you binge on at your house. It isn't easy, but it will get easier with time.
  • Cindy01Louisiana
    Cindy01Louisiana Posts: 302 Member
    I would sincerely suggest going over to the Success stories section and reading the current one at the top called "How I lost 80 pounds..." It might be the most helpful, inspiring, and motivating post I've seen in these forums. You CAN turn this ship back around!!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    My sincere thanks to all of you who took the time to comment. You mentioned proteins and fats. That got me thinking.... I don't eat enough of them so perhaps I'm not satisfying my body. Also, I don't feel hungry during the day so don't eat very much then so when I get home I'm really hungry. Today I had a "normal lunch" (2 manicotti's and salad... no dressing, 1 garlic roll) and ate a nice salad for dinner. I didn't have that starving feeling. It's after 10 and I still feel OK. My weight wasn't too bad this morning either. Only off by 6 pounds and I think some of it might be fluid as I don't watch my salt intake at all. Cindy, thanks for pointing out that success story.... and Zombella, you're right, it's isn't easy to get a handle on it. If my appetite was somewhat normal and I didn't have binging sprees, I would never have gained 100 pounds. I'm proud that I've lost half of that and am determined to continue on this path until I get ALL of those pounds off for good. I understand this is a lifelong journey and am committed to taking as much time as needed to accomplish my goal.

    I do believe after weight loss that the body fights to put the weight back on by increasing your appetite, and that's what I'm dealing with now.

    Thanks again for all your comments! ~DL