I look fat to me

menchi Posts: 297 Member
Let me say first that I'm at my target weight, my BMI and %fat are both very healthy so I know that I have nothing to complain about really. I just want to share my experience and feelings.

Today was kind of a bad day and I indulged in a dinner entirely of dessert. I chose to do it, I think I could have controlled it. I've already planned lots of healthy and low-sugar foods tomorrow and a long bike ride so I'll have a well behaved day tomorrow. But what I noticed when I was doing my 30ds to offset some of the extra cals was that I looked fat to myself. Normally when I'm doing ab exercises with my legs up, I look all slim to myself. Today everything looked chunky. Fat calves, fat toes, fat gut, fat, fat, fat. I did a reality check that my calf and thigh are still mostly firm muscle. I'm kind of appalled that my emotional side would think this. I think I'm going to feel better if I throw away the rest of the brownies.


  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    Your not alone hun. Yesterday i was having one of them days, even though i reassured myself by getting the tape measure out to check, all i seen when i looked at myself was fat :mad: even though i know it is all in the mind when ive ate something high in calories its a horrible feeling :cry:
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I always look fatter after I shower/exercise. Your body expands because of the heat
  • c2me12ad6
    c2me12ad6 Posts: 127 Member
    Hey I know how it goes! I have those days where I cant stand looking at myself everything looks fat and flubby! Then other days I am excited at how I look and things are great! But today was deff a ugh look at me kinda day! One of those days where you skip looking in the mirror all together! We all have been there!!!!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    No one tells you that if you have body issues when you're fat, you'll still have body issues when you're skinny. Losing weight doesn't magically make those feelings go away. Coming here to vent is a great place to start but if it starts consuming you, please see a professional.
  • majicdanser
    What you're talking about sounds to me as if you could be experiencing body dysmorphia. This is a condiiton where what you see in the mirror and what you actually have are mismatched. Especially if you've seen your doctor and s/he says that your BMI, blood glucose levels, cholesterol, and muscle to fat ratios are spot on, then be your own best friend - your own disciplinarian - and start from a place of "I'm ok."

    Then move from there to tweak your perceptions. Got kankles? There are exercises for that! There are body sculpting measures that you can use to sculpt your body, but ultimately, you have to come from a place of "I really am acceptable."

    If you find that your binging is making you feel "fat" when in fact your inner disciplinarian knows for sure you are "ok," then perhaps seeking out a talk counselor may help. The best feeling in the world is to know you're healthy and to be happy about it!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    30 DS, temporarily, made me feel like my thighs were huge, like I'd felt as a self-conscious 15-year-old. I had to tell myself 'No! They were muscles then and they're muscles now!' (Ok, so with a layer of fat, but most of the bulk is muscle :laugh:).

    I had a horrible body dysmorphic day or two when I tried to give up the scales for Lent, so I'd do what you did and turn to the tape-measure or scales for affirmation. Maintaining your weight AND your sanity is hard work, but at least we've all got each other :flowerforyou:
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    30 DS, temporarily, made me feel like my thighs were huge, like I'd felt as a self-conscious 15-year-old. I had to tell myself 'No! They were muscles then and they're muscles now!' (Ok, so with a layer of fat, but most of the bulk is muscle :laugh:).

    I had a horrible body dysmorphic day or two when I tried to give up the scales for Lent, so I'd do what you did and turn to the tape-measure or scales for affirmation. Maintaining your weight AND your sanity is hard work, but at least we've all got each other :flowerforyou:

    I know right? Sometimes I think maintaining is harder work than losing! I'm glad we're in this together too :happy:
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Thank you for all the support and advice. I'm usually better at accepting myself and I can mentally get a grip. Yesterday was an emotional reaction that surprised me. I had great fun today being strong and showing myself I'm ok.