Relocation of motivation

DAMMG Posts: 1 Member
I'm a returnie to fitnesspal, in July 2014 I had made fantastic progress and lost 14kg with the app plus 2kg before I began.
My motivation then was a partner who looking back was a bit of a bully about my eating and weight loss so after the break up and inspite of all my hard work I found myself eating thinks he wouldn't have liked me to.
Since then knee injuries and subsequent knee operation I'm only 6kg from my starting weight :(
I have had a stationary bike/cross trainer since Xmas and used it with intent for the first time today. With exercise I do need to take it fairly steady so it is my eating I need to find will power for.
I'm looking to be 5kg lighter then I managed last time so that's a total of 13kg to lose.
I've never really joined a forum for anything but it's time to try something new.
Tips, advice and motivation needed and welcomed


  • jefemullin
    jefemullin Posts: 42 Member
    Add me if you want! It's helpful to see others in your newsfeed so you know others are right there with you through this process