Eating too many calories :(

bks1 Posts: 32 Member
For the past week I've been having a problem- I have had more than my daily calorie allowance. It's only been marginal and up to a hundred calories- but today- FOUR HUNDRED CALORIES EXTRA.
I'm so upset, I was just so ravenous. I am eating very good quality meals, good nutrient intake- yet still, I have this "binge" of sorts.

I dont want to throw away my good work, it has taken me so long to lose even this small amount and I STILL have 40 pounds to go- at least!

In the past when I have binged, I have become miserable following it and my attitude
Was "oh well, I busted my diet already, I may as well eat whatever"- and then it would
take me forever to summons any motivation again!

I'm not sure what I need, maybe some motivation, support, encouragement - or a good kick up the bum!!


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Can you pin down why you're overeating? Are you actually physically hungry? Bored? Not measuring food? Eating out frequently so it's difficult to gauge calories?

    If you temporarily made your diary public, it would be easier to make specific suggestions.
  • bks1
    bks1 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm not sure if I'm physically hungry- I wasn't today when I had those extra snacks. today may have had an emotional cause behind it. But at times it's driven my hunger.

    I'm new ish here, Im not sure how to make my diary public.
  • cassmsta
    cassmsta Posts: 75
    To make your Diary public go into settings and then go to diary settings and it will tell you from there.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    are you eating empty calories? you should eat high protien foods since they make you fuller longer. make your diary public so we can view it. let us know
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    I went through the same thing. Lasted for about 2-3 weeks. Very hungry, motivation poor. I am still fighting it and trying to find the right calorie intake vs exercise for me. Haven't quite got it down yet but the intense cravings are gone. However, I am not losing any weight. Started the 30day shred and I am toning my body so less stressed about the numbers right now.

    I think your body adjusts to your routine and you may have to change it to fit your needs now. You're probably more active and maybe you have to take that into consideration when realigning your personal goals. Hope this helps...struggling too:sad:
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    Has your caffeine intake lessened lately? That'll do it for me. (Caffeine is an appetite suppressant). If I miss my afternoon coffee, I find myself craving snacks and eating ravenously once I get home.
  • bks1
    bks1 Posts: 32 Member
    My caffeine intake is much the same and I'm still eating really good quality meals with protein at each meal. I'll see if I could make diary public. I'm no more or no less active- I'm just going insane with the lack in willpower! It really is a struggle at times.
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    I hear you! I have lulls in my motivation which leads to me over-eating and then it's this horrible cycle of eat, guilty feeling, eat to try to feel better ad infinitum! The fact that you are recognising your behaviour is a first step and now you need to take steps to see when it's happening so you can try to stay on top of it.

    I know one of my weaknesses is when I approach TOTM and also if I'm getting stressed at work. When I recognise it I get to the gym (even if I don't feel like it - I MAKE myself go) and have a good hour exercise session. I find it boosts my mood and also helps to suppress my appetite.

    If it really is willpower then try not to have any foods that you tend to binge on in sight. Another strategy is to go and brush your teeth when you feel like you are about to binge. Nothing tastes right after you brush your teeth :bigsmile:

    I hope you find what your trigger is and hang in there - you'll get through this! :flowerforyou:
  • Junebug54
    Junebug54 Posts: 4
    Just burn them off if you eat extra and it will motivate you to not eat them or you have to burn them off. Go for a walk along a gorge trail or a park and have some fun. It will reboost you.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    The kinds of food you are eating can make you hungry. You need to eat more low fat protein and watch the empty carbs. You have to detox to get rid of cravings. If you open your diary we could make suggestions.
  • suzannekatherine
    suzannekatherine Posts: 22 Member
    I'm having that problem right now. I .... think ... I have determined that there are just certain times when my body is telling me that it needs more food. Or wants it, maybe. I feel like I am just STARVING even if I've eaten plenty. I think it might be related to the hormone cycles. Because other times, with no real change in anything, I could eat 1200 and be totally calm and fine and not going crazy with hunger even if I feel hungry.

    Sometimes I think it is important to just take a day off and eat whatever you want and then let that be it and get back on track. I can't do that within a single day because the numbers get me down and I feel defeated. But it sort of keeps me from giving up entirely. And feeds that craving that maybe just needs to be fed, without guilt.
  • Happyhappy352
    I have the same problem. I eat more on the weekends and some time the wrong foods. I think it is because i'm more active on weekends. I'm cleaning and doing laundry, yard work ect and i dont do all that during the week so my body needs more. If you are under more days than your over it sould wash out in the end. Don't beat yourself up, you will get thair :wink:
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I love food...and I make sure to go on a walk every morning. That gives me the wiggle room for the extra calories. 100 calories a day does add up, but if those little snacks are keeping you happy and not hungry I would keep them and compensate by walking/biking/gardening....something easy!
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    My caffeine intake is much the same and I'm still eating really good quality meals with protein at each meal. I'll see if I could make diary public. I'm no more or no less active- I'm just going insane with the lack in willpower! It really is a struggle at times.

    Is there something else you could reward or console yourself with, aside from food? I think it's really helpful to come up with tricks to distract yourself. Like "ugh, I really want to eat [insert craving here]. I'll redo my toenail polish instead." Learning to break the habit of reflexive eating is a lot like quitting smoking--usually if you can get yourself through the next 15 minutes without caving in, then the impulse will subside for a while. Do it enough times, and the cravings become less frequent, and soon you won't have to think about it much at all.