need advice

so far I have lost 83 lbs, and I am fluctuating between the same 3 lbs. and its driving me crazy. I haven't really lost any in 5 days, and i have been busting my butt at the gym and here at home,
I did have 2 days that I didn't eat super great but was only over my calorie goal yesterday but a few hundred.
I am planning on trying even harder this next week to get over this hump but i am going insane
and its depressing me


  • Toots2012
    Toots2012 Posts: 25
    You seem to be doing a great job. It sounds like you have plateued with is normal. Its probably a good time to changed up your diet and exercise routine in irder to confuse your muscles.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I've been doing the same thing. I've been going back and forth from 196 to 200 for the last two weeks. I think our bodies tend to get hung up when we hit certain levels so we just have to be patient. I'm sticking it out. Not changing anything unless I'm like this for 2 more weeks.
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    thanks, i forgot to put in the post that I change my workout routine and diet every 30 days.
    I have been fluctuating between 185 and 188.0, I want under 185 SO BAD,
    my goal is to be 160 by my sons first birthday in nov

    my calorie goal is 1200 and I rarely eat over 1000.

    I plataued a few months ago and couldn't get under 217, so I know I should just be patient but man that's hard
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    my calorie goal is 1200 and I rarely eat over 1000.

    Perhaps your metabolism is slowing down a bit at the lower calorie range? I had a hard time losing at 1200 calories, but lose better now that I am at 1300.

    Maybe a day or two of no exercise and eating at 1200 and then go back to hitting the exercise hard the next day? Shock your system a little? Or maybe go back and review times where you did lose and see if there is a pattern in your eating and exercise in the days just before those times. Perhaps there is something that will pop out at you that is a trigger for your body.

    I remember when I was at 200, my goal was to be under 200 and no matter what I did it took FOREVER to lose that 1 lb. I think sometimes when we want a particular goal really bad our body messes with us. LOL! Good luck! You are doing great. Remember to be patient with yourself.

  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    Try eating the full 1200.. Too little calories will throw your metabolism off and will make it harder to lose weight. It thinks its in starvation mode and will react to survival. It happened to me. Keep it up because you are doing so well. Good luck!