How often do you weigh...

koylefam Posts: 142 Member
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
So here's the deal... I know you should only record your weight from week to week to see the true change. And the best day is on friday because most poeple eat the worst on the weekend so your weight is always higher at the beginning of the week (monday) than it is on Friday. But I weigh myself everyday and record it everyday because if it is up a little I know I need to drink more water.. I retain very easily.... yesterday I was 164.4 today 162.2.... while I know I probably didn't lose 2.2 pounds over night... things like this give me GREAT motivation and if it is the opposite it makes me eat better and worout harder/longer.... so my question to you.... Ho often do you weigh in and do you write it down every time?


  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I do pretty much the same as you. I only record my official weigh ins on Thursdays here, but I keep track of my daily weight. I KNOW that weight fluctuates from day to day, so if I see it blip up a bit, even if I've been on track, it doesn't get me down, because I see it blip down just as often, and I always have my overall trend to look at, as well as reminding myself of how far I've come already.

    There are a lot of options: weigh once a week; weigh every day; weigh once a month; weigh not at all, but check measurements. It all depends on finding what works for YOU.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    I do the same thing......... I am aware of the flucuation of weighing daily but if overall (average) in in the downward direction I keeps me on track. It it moves up I know to refocus. For me this works way better than once a week.
  • i dont really like taking my weight daily. as much as u might get some little motivation sometimes, theres also a large room for de-motivation. put the scale in a less convenient place and you wont have to deal with the stressful digits so very often!
  • ayesha30
    ayesha30 Posts: 43
    I have a very irresistable scale in my bathroom, so i can honestly say I get on it everyday, but I only record on Fridays if I have a LOST!!
  • SMK715
    SMK715 Posts: 108
    I recently bagan weighing everyday because im so close to my original goal weight so im just being impatient. I only record every monday.

    I haven't weighed in at all this past week.

    And I weight myself first thing saturday morning to see if my recorded weight on monday is higher because of the weekend food
  • CoachKaren
    CoachKaren Posts: 90
    for my Boot Camp peeps in June I was weighin in Every tuesday....But I am going back to my original style after this tuesdays weigh in: I weigh, measure, and do body fat every 30 days.
  • TheMrsFitnessGeek
    TheMrsFitnessGeek Posts: 89 Member
    I do pretty much the same as you. I only record my official weigh ins on Thursdays here, but I keep track of my daily weight. I KNOW that weight fluctuates from day to day, so if I see it blip up a bit, even if I've been on track, it doesn't get me down, because I see it blip down just as often, and I always have my overall trend to look at, as well as reminding myself of how far I've come already.

    There are a lot of options: weigh once a week; weigh every day; weigh once a month; weigh not at all, but check measurements. It all depends on finding what works for YOU.

    Same here! I officially record my weight on Tuesday mornings ( which will change to Thursday now), but I do weigh myself every morning and night. I know what is normal for my body and it keeps me on track. Just do what works for you!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I weigh everyday but only record once a week... I just like to see where Im at daily and for motivational reasons :)
  • boji4ever
    boji4ever Posts: 27 Member
    I have to weigh myself daily to be accountable. I know based on daily changes it may fluctuate and even following my diet the scale may go up, but a week is too long for me. I am visual so I record it daily as I like to see the graph. And like you, just the little encouragement of showing the scale go down is incredibly motivating. I weigh first thing in the mornings before I get into the shower. Right now my scale only goes to 1/2 lb. increments but I am going to get a different one that shows down to the tenths...again, every little bit counts and I want to see it! Good luck on your journey!
  • Sheriemae
    Sheriemae Posts: 248
    I weigh myself 3 times a week. I check on Sunday to see if I gained, sneak a peek on Wednesday to see how I'm doing, and I record on Friday.
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    no can do. i only weigh myself when i go to the doctor every month. no need in me driving myself nuts with weekly weigh ins. I see the body changing by the way my clothes are fitting and that's enough for me.
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    since i gained last week i have been weighing daily to make sure it goes back down :laugh:
    I might start recording everyday because like the above poster said, i am visual and i wanna see a nifty graph. Even the ups. lol
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I have to weigh myself daily to be accountable. I know based on daily changes it may fluctuate and even following my diet the scale may go up, but a week is too long for me. I am visual so I record it daily as I like to see the graph. And like you, just the little encouragement of showing the scale go down is incredibly motivating. I weigh first thing in the mornings before I get into the shower.
    That's another factor for me as well. I find that if I'm not weighing every day, I'm more likely to slack off. I'm also a big graph geek, so it gives me more data if I weigh every day. :laugh:
  • Quaters
    Quaters Posts: 85 Member
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Since I've started MFP, I weigh myself every day just to see the scale and it gives me that push to work harder. I used to only record my weight once a week, but l log it every time there's a loss.
  • HarperVT
    HarperVT Posts: 5
    I weigh myself every morning, but I only record on Sunday mornings. I think it depends on the person for how often they should. If your going to stress over the tiniest increase or lack of loss then you should probably avoid weighing in daily as it could discourage you. If you find that it motivates you, like me, then why do anything different? By weighing in everyday I have gotten to know my patterns and have found what affects the scale the most for me. Like SODIUM and water weight! I make sure to avoid as much sodium as possible when I get close to one of those mini goals that help keep me on track.
  • Jupiter11
    Jupiter11 Posts: 2 Member
    Exactly the same, I weigh everyday and any loss is great motivation and any gain is an incentive to make a better effort.

    I've lost 9lb in 3 weeks and never had a gain for more than one day.

    I was 164, 3 weeks ago and am now 155, very impressed with myself :)

  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I weigh myself most mornings but I only record on Wednesdays. If I'm up a little 2 mornings in a row then I get more focus on watching what I eat. And if I'm down a point or two then I leave for work with a smile and more determinated to keep it going.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    You should be - you're doing great!
  • koylefam
    koylefam Posts: 142 Member
    LOVE all the response!!! My husband calls me a scale addict... but I am a numbers and graph person... and LOVE being able to compare my weeks. if my weight doesn't drop as well as it did the previous week then I go back and compare my day to day calorie intake and calories burned... to see where the differences are.. I just wish MFP had all the charts and graphs like fitday has....
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