Going straight to work from the gym - I have questions!

Queen_Vanellope Posts: 35 Member
edited April 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
What do you do for breakfast?

What is your solution for laundry?

What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?

What do you do with your hair after the shower?

Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I don't go to the gym before work every day. I'm answering this based on the days when I do though.

    What do you do for breakfast?

    I eat at home beforehand or I take something in a lunch bag with ice packs and eat it afterward at my desk.

    What is your solution for laundry?

    I wear different workout clothes each day. Laundry isn't really an issue.

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?

    Put the towel/sweaty clothes in the back of my car in a bag. They don't seem to be particularly funky but I don't make it a habit to sniff them when I get home either.

    What do you do with your hair after the shower? (I want to avoid carting around a hair dryer)

    I dry it. Air drying is not an option.

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience better?

    Travel size containers for your shampoo/conditioner. I use a shower pouf for my body and just use my shampoo as body wash on gym days in order to avoid having to take a different body wash. Take extra plastic grocery bags. It seems like no matter how many I take I can find a use for them.

    There was only one naked woman in the locker room out of a dozen. Is that frowned upon? Being freely naked would make the whole drying-off-after-a-shower situation much easier. Do you let it all out?

    I go to a college rec center. There are usually several women my age (almost 40) and over who are naked. The younger women don't seem to stand around naked. The shower stalls each have outer areas covered by curtains. I usually shower and then step out, dry myself off, put on my unders and top and wrap a towel around my waist. Proceed to locker area and put on my pants. I don't put them on in the shower stall because I don't want the cuffs to get wet. I don't like to walk around naked but don't see anything wrong with the women who do.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    What do you do for breakfast?
    i go fasted and then have a lunch bag with all my food items.

    What is your solution for laundry?
    go home and take out the clothes and put in the laundry basket

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?
    my gym has a swimsuit spinner. and then i put it in my trunk. they also provide towels

    What do you do with your hair after the shower?
    i put it up after towel drying. my gym has mousse, hair spray, and hair dryers for those that need to do more

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward?
    i have a bag for my shower items so i can leave it out of my backpack after-since they are wet. also, flip flops are good too.

  • la_vie_est_belle_
    la_vie_est_belle_ Posts: 139 Member
    What do you do for breakfast?

    Various things. Sometimes I'll make a protein shake the night before, or I'll have a protein bar, or a peanut butter sandwich, or I'll make overnight oats and just eat it when I get to work (If you've never heard of overnight oats, look up a recipe. I make them all the time)

    What is your solution for laundry?
    I have lots of workout clothes so I just do laundry every sunday.

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?
    I hang them in the back of my car and leave the windows slightly open when I go into work. I park in a secured parking lot so I don't have to worry about leaving the windows slightly open, and I live in Southern California where I don't have to worry about rainstorms/ snow very often.

    What do you do with your hair after the shower?
    I have a pixie cut so I just come to work with wet hair and it dries quickly.

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward?

    You NEED flip flops (it's very gross without them). I just wrap a towel around myself and walk to the shower. Afterwards I just get dressed next to my locker. I don't really care about other women seeing me naked. But I have a friend who cares and she brings a robe with her to the gym .
  • la_vie_est_belle_
    la_vie_est_belle_ Posts: 139 Member
    Also, I don't eat breakfast before the gym. I just drink coffee and go. that's what works for me.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    What do you do for breakfast?
    I don't eat a real breakfast, so I just have coffee when I get into work

    What is your solution for laundry?
    Swap out my clothes from the gym bag every night, I have a dedicated hamper for workout clothes so they can air dry a bit and not contaminate my normal clothes, they get washed by themselves usually too

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?
    For whatever reason this hasn't been a problem, the towel goes back in my gym bag and it seems fine. But I do live in a dry area

    What do you do with your hair after the shower?
    Towel dry in the locker room, allow to air dry afterwards. If I was driving in between I might use my car window to help the process and then "do" my hair after I got to work. I usually put it back up again a few hours after and it's fine, just that it's too "big" to work with when it's still wet. I use conditioner in the shower every time.

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward?
    I use a hanger for my work clothes and have that next to the shower so I can change back into them mostly in the shower stall. I got a couple cheap containers that I fill with shampoo/soap/conditioner from my home stash. I place these in a plastic bag I got that was meant for showers and can hang from the curtain bar.
  • michmill98_1
    michmill98_1 Posts: 60 Member
    I used to do a 5am boot camp 3x a week at a facility that didn't have a locker room. However, I was lucky that my office did have a gym and full locker room. So I'd leave home at 4:40, go to boot camp, go to work, shower & get ready, and be at my desk working by 7am.

    Breakfast: I usually ate when I got to work (after exercise and getting ready). Usually fruit and yogurt parfaits that I'd pack in my lunch cooler on my way out the door at 4:40 am. I kept granola at my desk to add when I ate (hate soggy granola).

    Laundry/Wet Towels: My office attire was business casual so I basically lived in knit dresses that could be folded up the night before. I saved the wrinkle-prone stuff for non-boot camp days. The gym bag that I used had a separate compartment for shoes, the main compartment held my quick-dry towel (aka old & cheap), toiletries, and clothes, and the end pockets for the undies and jewelry. After I showered, I'd put my toiletry bags in the bottom, followed by my workout clothes, and then the lightly folded towel. I'd keep the bag UNZIPPED under my desk during the work day. Stowing it back in the car was not an option (Houston summer + uncovered parking lot = gross!). As soon as I got home, the bag was unpacked - clothes went in a separate laundry bin (if damp, I'd hang them over the sides) and towel was hung up to finish drying so I could reuse it later in the week. I should mention that I typically don't soak a shirt with sweat during a workout so my co-workers never commented about any odors wafting from my bag.

    Hair: I'm "blessed" with naturally wavy fine hair that I've learned over the years is best kept in a shoulder length bob with no bangs. So my gym shower routine was: adjust the fickle shower, thoroughly soak my hair while I washed my face, apply conditioner, wash body, rinse. Towel dry, comb out, apply a bit of curl cream, and let air dry. After it was mostly dry, a quick bend over and finger tousle to give it some body and I called it good. If it bothered me during the day or dried "funny", there was always a supply of clips and pony tail holders in my desk drawer. I did keep a hair dryer at work so on days that I had early meetings or where super humid, I'd do a quick partial dry to give it a head start.

    Awkward shower: I was usually lucky in that most mornings, I was the only one using the locker room (male dominated office and the few women who did work out mostly did so either at lunch or after work). Our setup had three shower stalls, each with a separate, curtained dressing area. However, the way the showers were designed and because they each had curtains that ended about 12" above the floor, there was usually a lot of overspray into the dressing area. So I typically left my clothes on the main bench outside the shower area and only brought my shower stuff into the shower with me if I was the only one there when I arrived. I'm okay with walking from the shower to a locker with only a towel and letting it drop as I get dressed but others aren't.

    Because this was a private office, I was able to get by with keeping my conditioner, body wash, shower puff, and a hair dryer in a small locker and it was never disturbed. I guess they've changed the rules now (I moved but still telecommute for the same company) and they don't want anyone using the lockers unless they're actively working out. If that was the case, I would've just kept the stuff in a plastic basket at my desk and grab it when I dropped off my lunch box/purse/computer on the way to the locker room to shower.
  • kuftae
    kuftae Posts: 299 Member
    What do you do for breakfast?

    What is your solution for laundry?

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?

    What do you do with your hair after the shower?

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward?

    What do you do for breakfast?
    smoothie, bring it there and drink it afterward.

    What is your solution for laundry?
    A big gym bag. put the old clothes in and dump in the laundry basket when i get home.

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?
    I put the towel in a reusable plastic bag that i got from the grocery store.

    What do you do with your hair after the shower?
    Can;t help with this one

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward?
    no, its not awkward. Atleast not for me
  • ScubaSteve1962
    ScubaSteve1962 Posts: 609 Member
    edited April 2016
    What do you do for breakfast?
    stop by one of the Fast food restaurants on my way to work get something small (IE: bacon/sausage biscuit, grits and sausage)

    What is your solution for laundry?

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?

    towel goes in my bag, workout clothes go on the hanger and let them dry in my car

    What do you do with your hair after the shower?

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward?
    Shower shoes, most of the time everyone is trying to get in and get out, so no long conversations

  • mrp56839
    mrp56839 Posts: 159 Member
    I work out during my lunch hour a couple days a week. I have managed to not come back to the office funky for this long, so I must be handling my business!

    What is your solution for laundry?
    I've got a couple sets of work out clothes and pack a clean set for each day - and definitely new underwear for the afternoon.

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car? I wad up my wet stuff in the towel and leave them in my bag. they're funky when I get home, but they go straight into the washer every night.

    What do you do with your hair after the shower? I usually don't shower - baby/body wipes, fresh deodorant and dry shampoo are my best friends. I have really short hair, so I can get away with toweling the sweat out and spraying it down. If I run in 90 degree weather though, a shower is preferred.

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward? Balls and blinders. nobody cares what you look like so get in, get clean and get out.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    What do you do for breakfast?

    What is your solution for laundry?

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?

    What do you do with your hair after the shower?

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward?

    HI! 5AM riser here. I make my 1.5 hour commute, hit the gym for cardio and heavy lifting sessions daily, shower at the gym, head to work for an 8-9 hour work day and then make the 1.5 hour commute home. Busy! I had to make it work. First off, get a GOOD gym bag. One that will last. Spend the extra money for one with the shoe compartment (Nike has these), storage pockets and a removable base so you can wash your bag when it gets skanky. Invest in Scentsy Scent Paks (or some time of smell eraser) to leave in your bag at all times. I leave one in the clothing/towel area and one in the shoe area. I wear my gym clothes and bring the change of clothes (including a bra, socks, panties, etc.) as well as a towel and wash cloth. All of my soaps are in travel versions and I also have a travel razor pack that I bring with me. I keep a brush, deodorant, perfume and hairspray in the outer pocket and have "gym versions" of all of these so I'm not constantly re-packing my entire gym bag. Wet stuff gets put in the shoe compartment along with dirty clothes. As for my hair, I just leave it. Throw some hairspray in if anything.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    What do you do for breakfast?

    What is your solution for laundry?

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?

    What do you do with your hair after the shower?

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward?

    I go to the gym on my lunch hour (and after work). I do mostly intense cardio, and shower before going back to work. I don't wash my hair - I always wear it up while working out so no need to wash it. I don't swim so no bathing suits. Wet towels and clothes go into a mesh bag that goes in my car. Doesn't get "all gross", so not sure why you think it would. Just goes into the laundry when I get home. I always have TWO towels, also I keep one of those cheap fabric tote bags to use as a mat. I don't like standing on the floor where other people have dripped and made a mess. I have a good gym bag, with lots of pockets. I used to use the shoe pockets but it takes two damn long to stuff them in there so I just stash them in the bottom of the bag. I have a couple of those tennis show balls and throw them in my shoes occasionally when I think about it. I don't ever put my wet stinky clothes back in my gym bag though...always use the mesh bag and keep them separate. Standard travel soap/deod, no need of hairspray or perfume. I try to keep it simple as I only have an hour at lunch.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    What do you do for breakfast?
    Coffee and usually fruit and/or nuts.

    What is your solution for laundry?
    Put my dirty clothes in my bag and wash them when I do laundry.

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?
    I don't bring my own towel. If I swim I just put my bathing suit in my bag, and let it air dry later. I don't understand by what you mean "all gross in the car." I don't leave my stuff in a car.

    What do you do with your hair after the shower?
    Put it in a bun.

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward?
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    What do you do for breakfast?
    I work nights, so this is a tad irrelevant for me, since I eat before I go to the gym by several hours, then head to work with a packed lunch and eat after.

    What is your solution for laundry?
    I put the clothes that need to be washed on the front seat, and when I'm home from work, I grab them and add them to the scrubs I take off in the morning in the general hamper basket.

    What do you do with your wet towels/bathing suits so they don’t get all gross in the car?
    I don't leave anything to "get all gross" in my car longer than a shift, so I apparently don't have a solution to this problem..

    What do you do with your hair after the shower?
    Braid it, or I don't shower and just leave it in a ponytail and shower when I get home after work in the morning. I generally don't smell badly enough to always worry after a workout.

    Are there any items you would recommend purchasing to make the shower experience less awkward?
    Eh, either shower and do your thing, because no one REALLY cares that much, or don't shower there and do it later at home, if it's that bad.