In need of some shoulders to cry on!! - GIRL TALK

Hi all,

I'm not going to make this an ultra long rant! .. I just wanted to know if anyone has experienced this before. (Back story) I'm over 20stone.... heavily obese, I currently go to slimming world, I try to eat between 1200-1900 calories a day, lean proteins, salads, veggies, i like to stay away from carbs if i can, its just a personal preference i get on alot better when i stay away from bread and pasta, i do enjoy the odd baked potato! - sometimes its more and sometimes its less, i know that sometimes i don't eat enough and therefore my body stores fat. Trust me i know! :-/ I've started a new contraceptive pill called Cerazette - I've been on it since January and my lord is it making me feel emotional, i'm crying for no reason, i'm constantly hungry, not even hungry for food, just chocolate, or anything deep fried. its mad! Before Christmas i didn't feel like this and i was getting on well - Ive put on half the weight i lost before Christmas.. I literally don't know what to do - I've got a doctors appointment for 2 weeks time as i need to go back and see her regarding this pill. Has anyone else used it, surely if this pill makes you gain weight she wouldn't give it to me considering i'm well overweight as it is? I feel sad all the time, and i'm sure we all know how hard it is to get motivated and make good choices when your not feeling very nice. I find it so difficult. Even on weeks i have been so good i've only been pulling 1-2lbs weight loss - For my size i'm expecting (on good weeks) at least 3-4lbs ...

I'm loosing the will to live with it all if i'm honest, any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks xxx


  • anne_driessen
    anne_driessen Posts: 55 Member
    I know how you feel, felt the exact same about a year and a half ago actually. My doctor actually told me that the whole "the pill makes you gain" is a myth though. I personally havent used that pill but if it makes you feel that horrible my advice would be to stop using it ASAP, its not worth it if it makes you unhappy!!!
    All I can really tell you is that having a bad day isnt the end of the world diet wise, loosing weight is infitetly difficult - just dont eat junk food for every meal for 2 weeks - its still process, no one expects you to have a perfect diet straight away - strive for progress not perfection!!
    Good luck with everuthing though....the struggle is real
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    edited April 2016
    Sorry you're having a hard time! The general advice is to give a pill three months to settle down, but if you went on it in January and you're still feeling emotional and rubbish you might want to ask your doctor to put you on a different pill. I tried a couple which weren't good for my emotional state before going on Femodette which was great.
    The increased appetite is very common, when I experienced it my doctor told me to take the pill later in the day. I used to take it just before going to bed as part of my nightly routine. Stick to your calories and try to get lots of protein, healthy fats and fibre to keep you full. Good luck!

    Also 1-2 lbs a week is great, it all adds up! And your body won't 'store' fat if you don't eat enough, that's a myth :) if you create a calorie deficit you will lose weight, it's just how bodies work.
  • gillie80
    gillie80 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I was on Cerazette twice. I was ok until it messed up my cycle, both times. lesson learned. From my experience most pills will make you gain weight, it's one of the unfortunate side effects, but it sounds like this one isn't right for you. I'm on Micronor now and getting on much better. I'd suggest a change.

    like the girls say, a bad day isn't the end of the world. concentrate on today, tomorrow will come tomorrow.
  • trailgirl777
    trailgirl777 Posts: 51 Member
    I have tried many pills because so convenient but the hormonal side effects literally made me feel insane & migraines. I had to give up using them after many types & brands tried over 3 years. They don't work for everyone.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    Oof, hormonal surges are the worst. I know exactly what you mean, I have a hormone disorder (that makes me gain) and am on a high-dose birth control pill (that also makes me gain). It's VERY hard to fight, but you can do it!! Just because we have to work a little harder then everyone else doesn't mean we can't make it :)

    First off, at 20 stone, 1200 calories is ambitious. I know it's the low end of the range you talked about, but make sure that you're hitting ALL of your macros if you decide to eat less, especially protien. Macros become very important on low-calorie diets, and will help stave off cravings.

    Second off, I have found that I personally crave something when I am either bored or deprived of a certain nutrient. For example, if I am bored, instead of snacking I will pick up a fizzy flavoured water (la Croix waters are great). This keeps my mouth busy and tastes great without adding any calories into my diet. or, if I am craving something sweet like ice cream, I will make a smoothie with frozen fruits to satisfy my desire for something cold and sweet. Smoothies made with frozen bananas are INCREDIBLE for this, byt the way. They give the smoothie that special ice cream taste, I now crave my smoothies more than desserts.

    Third off, good on you for making an appointment with your doctor! You are already taking a proactive step to fixing the problem. Hormone treatments can vary in effectiveness according to a person's bodyweight/fat percentage, so maybe your pill just isn't cutting it for you current size. Ask your doctor about options or dosages tailored toward someone of your stature, or ask about forms of non-hormonal birth control. There may be options out there that you're not aware of that could really help you out.

    Lastly, I see that you are very diligent about your diet (which is absolutely the hardest part), but have you considered adding in some light cardio to your weight loss plan? At your current size, even 30 minute walks could really jumpstart your loss rate. I'm personally a fan of walking on the treadmill at an incline, but if that is not an option for you, even a stroll around your neighborhood in the evenings would be great.

    Good luck!
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Two things - eating less wont make you store fat. Starvation mode is a myth.

    Secondly yes the pill can wreak your moods and cause increased hunger. It simulates the effect of pregnancy afer all- and most people gain weight during pregnancy. I was very underweight till i was put on it at 15 for my skin. Thats the first time in my life i gained weight. The carb cravings omg!

    Im totally against all synthetic hormones. I dont want to cause panic or upset so i wont go into into it here, but i have very good reason to avoid them.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    I went from a daily pill to an implant, and it WRECKED me. I was fine for the first month, but once the extra estrogen left my system, my natural hormones went crazy. I gained a few lbs, acne came back with a vengeance, and during TOM I'd barely make it through work, get home, and sob for hours. After 3 months of this it wasn't as intense, but I wasn't a normal, functioning human either. It took over a year to get to a point where I feel stable. My doctor tried adding a low-dose estrogen pill in, but it gave me migraines. So I feel you!!

    If you can change medications without getting worse side effects, do it. Keep playing around until you find something good. Otherwise, my best advice is to tough it out - it may take a good long while, but eventually you will adjust. Keep sticking to your good habits, and make room in your calories for treats if you need them to stay sane.

    Also, I know you've got a lot to lose, but a loss is a loss, and if you're still losing 1-2 lbs while having crazy hormonal crap going on, you're doing awesome!!!
  • ewunia99
    ewunia99 Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I had a similar recent experience, and I tried to stay taking the pill for the month, and I was CONSTANTLY miserable. Honestly, for me, it is just not worth it to be so depressed. I'd rather explore other options than to lose control of my emotions, and about a week after getting off the pill, I feel much better. My doc suggested an IUD, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. My suggestion-- your emotional well being is much more valuable than the medication. And yeah, you could wait for a couple more months to see if it gets better, but why bother? There are SO MANY other choices out there, just try something else. You deserve to be happy! Also, if you are looking for some support, add me as a friend! You can do this, know you aren't alone!
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    ewunia99 wrote: »
    Thanks for posting this. I had a similar recent experience, and I tried to stay taking the pill for the month, and I was CONSTANTLY miserable. Honestly, for me, it is just not worth it to be so depressed. I'd rather explore other options than to lose control of my emotions, and about a week after getting off the pill, I feel much better. My doc suggested an IUD, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. My suggestion-- your emotional well being is much more valuable than the medication. And yeah, you could wait for a couple more months to see if it gets better, but why bother? There are SO MANY other choices out there, just try something else. You deserve to be happy! Also, if you are looking for some support, add me as a friend! You can do this, know you aren't alone!

    ^Piggybacking off of this: when I tried my pill, I was mildly nauseous for maybe a week and then felt totally normal. I know everyone has different reactions, but your DOES seem extreme.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    Your hormone dosage may be too high. I had to have my pill switches 2-3 times before I found one that "fit me"
    I suggest talking to your OBGYN about changing the method/doseage.
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    My doctor has straight up said that she doesn't like prescribing the pill (any pill) because of the hormonal issues and imbalances they can cause. I was on the pill for YEARS, and it honestly KILLED my sex life and made me into a floppy, emotional, crying at the drop of a hat girl. Could you do another type of BC instead of the pill?